Waiting for medicine to kick in

I woke up at four this morning and the voices are bothering me. I am yelling and screaming at them. I took my medicine but i push everyone away when it gets like this. I start yelling at the people I love too. They get hurt and then don’t talk to me and I’m alone trying to sort things out. They can’t help me anyway I say to myself. Then I think they don’t care. The voices tell me to hurt myself and there is this moment I know it’s not right but I fight that moment of no return saying help me. Thinking I want to die and then being afraid to die. It’s so confusing. Medicine hurry up and kick in!


Hey, it sounds like you need help calming down. Some things I do to calm down are:

Put an ice pack on the back of your head. This will cool down your brain and reduce activity in your limbic system, where emotions happen.

Do a task with simple, clear steps. I like baking. I follow the recipe, and it’s easy enough that I don’t get frustrated, but it requires enough concentration that I don’t have room to think about other things. Cleaning also helps.

Engage your five senses. This will remind you what is real and what isn’t. Listen to soothing music. Smell something pleasant, like an essential oil. Suck on a hard candy. Look at pictures of things you enjoy. Feel something with an interesting texture, like a piece of Velcro or a stress ball.


Thank you. I might have drank to much coffee.


Drinking too much coffee makes me unbelievably anxious. What is a simple activity you can do to distract yourself?

Eating, cleaning my house, watching TV, talking it out, taking a bath, cooking.


My mornings are horrific too. I just wait it out until things improve which as you said involves waiting for the meds to kick in. I watch tv (mainly music channels) while I’m waiting.

Watch your coffee intake. Too much makes me worse too.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

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Sorry you are feeling that way when youre waiting for meds to kick in. I try to breath the positive in and negative out. I imagine the negative turning to dust. It helps a lot. I’m sure your family cares about you. And we care about you here too.

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