Vraylar - My Review

You can take Vraylar with or without food, it depends.
I personally take it with food, because I took it without food a couple of times and it gave me some nausea.
I don’t take it with a full meal, just a snack of some kind.
You can first try taking it without food in the morning and see how it goes.
If it disturbs your stomach a little, try taking it with some food.

I’m on day 5. Is this suppose to be less activating then abilify?

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Is it activating for you?
It is a bit stimulating for me, but not over the top.

I do get revved up feeling after I take it. but, I do take it with my morning coffee.

I also get insomnia, which I treat with 100mg Seroquel.

The insomnia is awful, but hopefully should get better over time

What dose are you on?
I am on 1.5mg - so far it’s doing the trick

Whenever I take these type of meds I get insomnia. Seroquel really works for me. I see it doesn’t agree so well with you.

These meds are so different for us.

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1.5mg it’s only day 5 for me.

No I’m actually doing pretty well on it - it’s a lot less activating than Abilify

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Good luck with it @Samp

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Great, I think mentally knowing that helps.

I was on abilify for 3 months.

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I had some trouble sleeping, I was given lorazapam to go with the vraylar, you didn’t mention that.
the akathesia was torture for me, glad we had the switch. although now I feel fat and sleepy on serequel, all i want to do is eat.

i lost 12 lbs on the vraylar. I like your description, vraylar does seem intense, compared to somethingn like serequel. eating and sleeping and relaxing on serequel.


I am glad that you are doing better on Seroqel @NiceHat
For me personally it was way too stimulating, I suffered from severe insomnia on it.

that’s interesting, she said it’s sedating until you get to a full dose, and then the histamine in it at a higher dose changes, perhaps that’s the over stimulation. I find it quite sedating, all i want to do is eat and sleep on seroquel.

No, Im sorry @NiceHat, I meant to say that I find Vraylar way too stimulating.

Seroquel XR was very sedating - not stimulating at all.

Sorry for the confusion :slight_smile:

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