Do you believe that there is a meaning to visual hallucinations? Or do you believe they are just random?
What kind of meaning? Premonitions? Ghosts? Psychic stuff? Just so you know, it’s not a good idea to talk about psychic abilities on this site, because it could feed into people believing that they can do things like fly through the air like a bird, and that would end in disaster.
No I wasn’t thinking of that sort of things, more of the symbolic. If the things you see is something that means something to you, maybe something you’re not aware of. I don’t believe in psychic abilities and I’m not encouraging Any body to do so.
It’s random.
What’s the meaning of seeing all yellow?
Or spiders? Or all blue?
Or lights? Or shadows? Or animals? Or people?
I think our hallucinations are tied in with our preoccupations. If we are generally in a positive head space the hallucinations are generally benign. When we are in a negative head space we will see some scary things. But that could be just how it works for me. Everyone could have a different experience as I do.
That makes sense and that is what I was thinking of. I use to dream a lot (,while I’m asleep not daydreaming nor hallucination) and if I’m analyzing the Dreams they use to make some kind of sense. Like you said, if I’m going through a bad time my Dreams are scary, and if I’m at peace they are usually Nice.
Where would you suggest to address those sort of phenomenon? I have very similar manifestations very often and it seems if this is verboten on a forum dedicated to sz/sza people and issues, where should I go? I felt welcome here, but if I get down to some deep core problems it’s too “heavy” for the general population? Am I too “crazy” for the “normally crazy” people? Ah well, sorry to demonize you, it’s just hard. Regrets.
I only pointed it out because someone else gave me hell after I talked about my psychic experiences (which happen a lot to me). Someone else recommended reddit for the psychic stuff.
Before I wrote this post I saw another one where somebody asked where the voices Come from so I thought that it would be okay to write about visual hallucinations.
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