Visual hallucinations

Do you believe that there is a meaning to visual hallucinations? Or do you believe they are just random?

What kind of meaning? Premonitions? Ghosts? Psychic stuff? Just so you know, it’s not a good idea to talk about psychic abilities on this site, because it could feed into people believing that they can do things like fly through the air like a bird, and that would end in disaster.

No I wasn’t thinking of that sort of things, more of the symbolic. If the things you see is something that means something to you, maybe something you’re not aware of. I don’t believe in psychic abilities and I’m not encouraging Any body to do so.

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It’s random.
What’s the meaning of seeing all yellow?
Or spiders? Or all blue?
Or lights? Or shadows? Or animals? Or people?


I think our hallucinations are tied in with our preoccupations. If we are generally in a positive head space the hallucinations are generally benign. When we are in a negative head space we will see some scary things. But that could be just how it works for me. Everyone could have a different experience as I do.


That makes sense and that is what I was thinking of. I use to dream a lot (,while I’m asleep not daydreaming nor hallucination) and if I’m analyzing the Dreams they use to make some kind of sense. Like you said, if I’m going through a bad time my Dreams are scary, and if I’m at peace they are usually Nice.


Where would you suggest to address those sort of phenomenon? I have very similar manifestations very often and it seems if this is verboten on a forum dedicated to sz/sza people and issues, where should I go? I felt welcome here, but if I get down to some deep core problems it’s too “heavy” for the general population? Am I too “crazy” for the “normally crazy” people? Ah well, sorry to demonize you, it’s just hard. Regrets.

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I only pointed it out because someone else gave me hell after I talked about my psychic experiences (which happen a lot to me). Someone else recommended reddit for the psychic stuff.

Before I wrote this post I saw another one where somebody asked where the voices Come from so I thought that it would be okay to write about visual hallucinations.

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