How do your visual hallucinations manifest itself

I see colors organic shapes float by. I see shadows peripherally. I see faces distorting which is difficult to handle. Sometimes I see things breaking up into pixels. I’m not. Religious (well ex-catholic / athiest since 18 ) prior to medication. I would see the sky open up and see what might be considered god. And hear angels. It was really disturbing. I thought I was dying and facing my maker.

I only see shapes and shadows now.


I don’t experience any visual hallucinations, I only hear voices @Kxev.
You are a visual artist, I was a musician and at one point an audiophile.
I wonder if that is why we hallucinate differently.
We focus on different senses predominately.


Intersting, yes, the world physically distorts visually.

And yeah, I been extremely a visual person as early as 5 I started art and never stopped till now.

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That’s too bad you feel you can’t continue with your art.
Perhaps you can incorporate your hallucination into your art?

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I really liked the art you posted earlier, you are very talented.
Please keep it up, you have a unique vision.

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Thanks @eighteyedspy23 I really need to fight to create now. But it used to be an obsession and love so maybe i should not give up. Thanks for the encouragement.

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Somethin 15151515151515

Breathing and drifting objects and surfaces, shadow people superimposed on things or words/messages appearing everywhere, a lot of misinterpreting things, and patterns within stuff among other things.


Objects moving around or vibrating, objects breaking up, very recently there was cursive writing all over the ceiling, faces coming out of the woodwork, peoples faces look distorted, shadow people just in my peripheral vision, on and on

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I used to see red,blue, green, or purple tornados floating around the house.

Also weird purple orbs outside.

Rainbows around people whenever i thought they were being healed.

Odd shadow figures on the walls.

Thats stuff hasnt happened in years though now.

Other occasional recurring stuff still:

Sometimes objects look extremely small or extremely big.

I get the out of the corner of my eye stuff as well like seeing a dog or some animal but i dont really count that.

And intrusive images where i can see ghosts or creatures in my mind imprinted in the real world like running up the stairs and through me.
That makes the hair standup on my neck :expressionless:

I also see shadow people. Sometimes grey, sometimes a sepia color, always closing in on me from multiple directions. I just had my latest encounter at work on February 3 and had to leave early.

Visuals are my confirmation that I’ve reached the worst with my schizoaffective. I usually only get them when I’m in need of a med increase or a few days totally isolated from the world.

My shadow people don’t wear hats. Don’t laugh, I’ve been researching shadow people since my last encounter, and apparently there is a specific one called the Hat Man. Haven’t seen him yet, or the ones with the red eyes.

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