I’m on sertraline 50mg daily. I feel that my mood is low still. I feel like nothing really brings me joy. I used to lose myself in music films, concerts and even books and comedy. But all of that doesn’t maKe me feel any different than this misery.
I’m seeing my doctor on thursday and I feel he’ll increase my sertraline. I don’t feel like its going to do much. I don’t want to be on antidepressants.
Wellbutrin stops my suicidal ideation, but it doesn’t make me happy. I have found that antidepressants put me in a place where I can be happy if I make the effort, but that part is up to me. Without them I am unable to make that effort.
I agree about negs. I spoke to my doctor today and he said that the negative symptoms are most hardest to treat but there is possibility to recover from them.
I take 5mg of abilify every night and I may possibily be solely on it in the future.