I think the Wellbutrin is working

I feel notably less depressed today.

Not dreading the work I have to do and am even looking forward to some of it.

Even when I have good days I don’t feel like this,

I can’t describe it, but if feels medicine-y.

You know what I mean?

It’s been a few days since my doctor increased my dose and it seems to be kicking in pretty hard.

I’m happy that something is finally working.

I was really depressed there for a while.

Here’s hoping the feeling lasts and doesn’t come with horrible side effects!!


Wow, sounds like good news. I hope it continues.


That’s incredible. I remember when I bumped up to the max dose on the Cymbalta and the anxiety finally went away and I stopped feeling so bad all the time for no particular reason. I just felt lifted a bit, things seemed brighter. I’m glad you’re getting results. You deserve to feel better.


That’s great, my antidepressants are working as well. Their must be something in the water :sweat_drops:


That’s good news goldenrex. I’m glad it is making you feel better.


I take Wellbutrin too and I think I do need it.


Glad you’re feeling better @GoldenRex.


Yeah me too.


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Thats good that it works for you. For me it didn’t bcz what I have is negative symptoms and not depression.


oh yayyyy…so happy for you !! depression is awful…

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Glad you’re feeling better.

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Nice to hear you are feeling better

Keep up the momentum and go far!

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bupropion really helped me too when I was at my lowest, helped with energy too when Im not psychotic

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I’d love to try it. I’ve done poorly on Ssri’s that do serotonin and even tried the old tricyclics. Wellbutrin works on nor ephilidrine ( sp ) much like effexor and effexor works well for me…but it’s seriously full of side effects and it’s been a journey.

Couldn’t get wellbutrin on the pbs because the drug company tried to use it as a give up smoking aid. Frustrating but glad your feeling better. Anti depressants are so key to my mental health. Positives I can deal with…negatives not so good but depression is rubbish.


that’s really good news that it’s working =)
i hope things keep improving for you.

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