TV sending me subliminal messages

I really believe I have a hidden camera in me, or microphone.

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I also suffer from tv.

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I don’t believe I have cameras in me, but around me

Tv sends me messages, confirms my thoughts, says what I think, says what I say etc. It’s really frustrating and terrifying


stay the hell away from live t.v…it ruins my peace…I watch movies so I don’t read into anything…

I am sorry you still suffer from the camera thing…must be rough.


I go through this daily.

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It really is rough.

You should put close caption on your shows, so you can check if their actually talking about you


What should we do? Turn it off for ever?

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If I were you I would avoid the TV and youtube videos.


I think thats one of the most crappiest delusions to have. Maybe one day you will get over it. I wish i had advice, apart from trying to logic it away - but i know thats hard, when its so deep rooted.

You have my sympathys.


I sometimes feel the CIA is spying on me through my tv. They use code words and phrases that show me they’re monitoring what i do and say. It’s not great.

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Also had this delusion before. Pretty stable atm, but l know what it feels like.

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Maybe so. Sorry to say.

Honestly I dont know what to do because even though I might turn off the tv, when I go out in public people taunt me. So I dont know how to get over my delusion.

Do you enjoy reading? Maybe get a book you don’t think will make you paranoid.

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I avoid going outside for the most-part but I understand you have kids so that may be difficult.

My TV keeps telling me I’d be happier if I drove a Hyundai.


I had delusions of reference with TV and radio ads.

It was like they all were about me or commenting on my thoughts. I was pretty convinced they were messages from God, and many of those messages were extremely critical of me.

It felt as real as anything.


My hallucinations and delusions are the same