Trying not to eat anything

Do you binge at night because you go hungry during the day?

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I agree. I plan my whole day the night before. I always plan for a nighttime snack too


Well this has been going on when I wasn’t watching it. I ate more in the evenings. I just started 1400 calories today. I’ll see what the doctor says. She may want me to go 1900 with a pound a week loss.

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I think the 1900 would be more practical. Give you a little more leeway to eat so you don’t walk around feeling hungry.

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I binge eat at night at bedtime too. I’m starving at night. I don’t know how to stop it. I am trying a program called Noom.


eating less calories can be tricky for weight loss. eating too little wastes away your muscle and bone first before the fat reserves, even when youre overweight. this is because muscle and bones store the nutrients necessary to keep the body functioning. fat is mostly a stored energy, a last resort.

starving yourself of nutrients does more damage than benefit in every aspect. there are some safe fasting methods that should only be done very rarely, but i dont know much past that. without a balanced diet, restriction based dieting and habitual starvation can cause lasting or permanent damage, and in some cases, unintentional death. the best way to change your diet is the content. any diet under 1800 can risk your health and wellbeing.

i agree with your doctors recommendation, 1900 calories at very least. i would also say that its important to get a very diverse vitamin and mineral intake in your diet (through foods or supplements) to ensure that your body gets every aspect necessary to function properly.

the nutrients required for everyones diet to keep the body functioning, but by all means not the only things needed:
calcium, iron, protein, lean fats, some carbohydrates, fibers, folic acid (B9), vitamin c, d, and all vitamin b’s. as the human body gets older, it may benefit from more vitamin a, d, e, and k.

I’ve been taking a multivitamin along K, Magnesium, Calcium. A couple of times a week I take a 36mg Iron pill.

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Thanks for sharing that. I looked it up.

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