I'm actually eating a cereal bar first food item all day

It’s the afternoon and it’s hard to think about doing anything, but I know I have to eat. My diet is awful. I lost my appetite and I have no interest in eating these past 2 weeks. I have been taking a vitamin but on an empty stomach. I don’t think that’s any good either.


Maybe you should tell your pdoc

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Make sure you eat at least 1000 calories today.

me too, go all day without eating.

Phil always gets on me.

I know there’s canned chicken in there, and plenty of mayo

and lots of crackers.

I also have problems with eating, too. I have lowered stomach function (which I can do nothing about, other than taking meds for it). As a result, I often can’t expel gas and have low appetite often. What I do is that I take small portions of food throughout the day. This way, I can still eat well and take in the appropriate calories. Maybe this can also work for you as well.

Had to wait to post. New member. I will take all this advice for future days. I ate a cheeseburger today as well. I was out of the house and I was getting visual hallucinations non stop. Nothing I can put my finger on, random words and sights. Started getting a scratchy throat and had to take Nyquil after trying to calm myself from the hallucinations by laying in the dark. The Nyquil helped slow my mind down.

Sometimes I forget to eat, we must always remember.

Some days, I have negatives (and/or depression, not sure) so bad that I don’t even have the motivation to get up and make myself some food. It sucks. Fortunately it hasn’t happened in a while. I like the advice of eating small portions of food throughout the day, or maybe get meal replacement shakes and drink those throughout the day? Idk how safe that is. Have you discussed this with your pdoc?

No I see them tomorrow. I don’t tell them anything. My therapist logs everything and then doesn’t mention what I said two weeks before, and I forget. This appointment was scheduled 3 weeks ago as an emergency though, now I need the right words to talk to them. I’m non compliant so I don’t think medication is the issue, but the whole reason I’m going is for a med appointment…

Why are you non-compliant? You don’t sound psychotic to me, so that’s good for now, but if you don’t take your meds, the psychosis will probably return. Does your pdoc know you don’t take your meds?

I get glimpses of hope when I skip antipsychotics that side effects will go away, and better ways of thinking can be a part of my life. I wouldn’t feel so withdrawan. I can start living an adult life that I never had a chance to by getting a job, driving, and not being afraid of people. There’s a lot of reasons, but none of them exist anymore. It’s not the medicines fault though, it’s me.

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Yes they are the ones that labeled me as non compliant. Never had that label

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There is always hope. It’s true… I thought things would never get better for me. In fact, it kinda seemed like things were getting worse. But with the help of everyone in my support group, which includes many forum members, I got through it, and so will you. :hugs:

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Geez daze your meds must not make you hungry

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