Trying Dr.hoffers theory .. any positive expierences anyone?

Ive bought the supplements read the book … I half believe it and half of me doesnt so I gonna try it with a open mind. I hope it does make a difference.

anyone have any positive expierences with his theory ???

Will let you lot know my expierence … fingers crossed.

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Hoffer theory has died a year back…or two…its aint a answer…
for negative symptoms try sarcosine along lthanine…
U can see top part of the website-page u can see it fully…


Ok … maybe its one of does things il find out for myself.
If it has no effect I will give that a go … how much do you haveto take and where can you get it ?

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I’m high functioning and take lots of vitamins, just not in the mega dosage speculated.

I think they help stop other problems of malnutrition that causes other problems. Which can manifest as symptoms of mental illness.

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There is some good evidence that some vitamins and supplements can be helpful - you can see it on our page here:

But Dr. Hoffer’s approach was never able to be validated by any other researchers so it is not believed by any professional clinicians.

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Folate and B-12 supplementation can be very good for you.

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I get niacin flush something fierce. I know it’s not life threatening but tell that to my Schizophrenic Brain. OMG My Liver!

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Have you had positive results or any changes ?

Never tried. I had read about High doses of niacin could be helpful when I was in Remedy Research Mode, but I was already aware that I get Niacin Flush thanks to 5hour Energy. None for me thanks.

Niacin usage made me realize that my anger/rage is gone while using it but couldn’t sleep for 7 or 8 days ( 1 or 2 hour difficult sleep ) so I quit. Back then I didn’t know that I had insomnia.

I will buy niacin again when I get money.

  1. Niacin and anger was absent

  2. L-theanine and positive symptoms/delusions are absent


  1. Melatonin 6 mg insomnia problem solved.

The combination of these three looks promising but I have never taken the combination.

When I took niacin I didn’t take the 2 and 3.

Now, I’m taking 2 and 3 but not 1.

Soon I will take 1,2 and 3 and report back.

Still don’t believe that niacin is die.

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Are you sure you can’t sleep for 7 to 8 days? It sounds very ridiculous.

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It’s not Schizophrenia, it’s not Niacin, it’s insomnia,

it’s like I was resting or to say very very difficulty in trying to rest may be an hour or two once in

a while for 7 to 8 days, yes it happened.

Recently I started taking melatonin 9 mg ( usually 3 mg is enough and 10 mg is maximum )

and I am able to sleep.

Niacin actually works, it decreases dopamine inside the head and, this is something I read in a book by one of

the friends of late Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.

his book is amazing, awesome, I posted it in this forum, wait a minute I will re post it.

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Yes they say much level of dopamine Causes Positive symptoms…!!!

It should be increase the dopamine instead of reducing? Can you confirmed your statement. Thanks.

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In Schizophrenics we have complex some unknown problem(s)

Let us talk about dopamine alone in a simple way and lets not talk about everything else

and lets not complicate things

A Brain is not a single thing, it has many Parts of Brain acting differently but connected some how

Dopamine deficiency in some parts of Brain leads to

Cognitive symptoms and Negative symptoms

Extra Dopamine in some parts of Brains causes Positive symptoms.

Niacin decreases Dopamine and helps. When I used Niacin

I was not angry, but delusions didn’t stop.

Excessive dopamine cause positive symptoms …!!! Our Anti psychotic Controlls Dopamine Flow…!!
So we need very balanced level of Dopamine …!!

way12go, you have been one of the most out spoken guy at here. My niacin is on the way coming to my country. I am staying in Malaysia. I am helping on behalf of my wife to look for appropriate information. Does niacin really still useful in this sense. Surprisingly that I saw some new supplement term like sarcosine which is so much hard sell in this site but can’t find it in any other site like iherb. May be someone should also have some good publication to prove this supplement really does works. Thanks.

Niacin does help, why because it is great vitamin.

In terms of Schizophrenia Selegiline was helpful with Depression and Presence of Mind.