Trigger warning eating disorder. Do you think it is possible to enjoy being sad?

Now that I’m not binge eating, for a few days now, I feel more sad. I don’t know if sad is the right word, but I just don’t feel ‘alive’.

I’m thinking maybe I should just try to accept that I’m sad and,… Enjoy being sad?

Because, forcing myself to be happy doesn’t work?

BTW, I am not on a restrictive diet, I just eat whatever I want now. I was obsessed with wanting to look good, now not anymore.

Does anyone enjoy and find comfort in sadness?

I am not suicidal and I don’t want to die right now but the idea that one day, hopefully when I’m elderly, that I’ll die, gives me a slight slight slight comfort as it is an escape from this flat feeling.

I think binge eating numbs you and it’s how you cope with emotions. I’m glad you’re feeling sad because it gives you an opportunity to feel your feelings, express them, and work through them. Do you have a therapist who can help you? If not, I recommend getting one

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I often get these sensations in my body to binge eat. It’s so boring. They don’t go away. And it’s like constantly fighting myself internally. It is exhausting and maybe that’s part of the reason that I feel flat, aka exhausted

Thanks Pianogal :hugs:

Yes I get a therapist but it’s not until July.

I start group therapy on depression in a fortnight though that could help. Though I might be too nervous to express myself lol, but but but hopefully I can.

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I wonder if there will ever be a time when I don’t require numbing down.

My body keeps asking for it.

Do you still get urges?

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I do like to believe that there will be a time when the urges go down or go. So that makes me feel good. Like retrain the brain.

I do get urges to eat unhealthy but I’m determined to not be so large and unhealthy again, so I don’t do it. But I do distract myself by watching an engaging show, talking to someone for a while, cleaning etc. eventually it’s time to eat again and so I eat the next planned meal. I plan all my food and beverages the day before

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You have good coping strategies. Distractions and planning ahead.

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It might be the case I have these urges for life which is why I might aswell find comfort and joy in the sadness. I think certain distractions help though.

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