Trigger warning about fire.....old delusion back again

so it came back today…
the one when i am on fire :fire: ( in reality this has never happened to me )
i have not had this thought since my thirties…used to be a ’ norm ’ for me.
i see flames on me, melting skin…or i am about to be on fire.
i am really tired at the moment…having a glitch !?!
at least i can bring logic to it :bookmark:…but the brain then tells me i am on fire or about to be…and then the merry go round starts again.
i turn the thought around by seeing torrential rain :shower: falling on top of me putting out the flames :fire:…seems to be working.
no need to comment…i write this stuff…because it gets it out of my head . :scream:
thank you :heart:
take care :alien:


When all of your thoughts want to run you out of town, stand in front and make it look like a Parade! :wink:


that made me laugh…:grinning:
i just saw me and the freak show which is my mind !?! :imp:
and all the muggles screaming and hiding behind their houses…:house:
take care :alien:

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Sorry, @darksith. It’ll pass, but wish it had never come back. Silly silly mind… :heart:️

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Do you feel it while it is “happening” ?
If you don’t feel the pain of burned skin that could be the way to rationalize it.

Sucks. :disappointed:


@Hedgehog …thanks :heart:
@Sarad …thanks. :heart: …i only see it.
take care :alien:

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I’ve never seen things or heard things and I’m on meds, so I can’t really help. Would you be willing to try iti-007 when it comes out?

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I’m sorry. It’s just a brain glitch. It will pass and you won’t be on fire anymore. Does taking a shower help?

I’m impressed that you can make yourself see the rain. That is a remarkable amount of control.

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Oh man @darksith

I’m sorry you got hit with that one. I had that one a lot for a long time after our house fire… the smoke… the flames…

I wish I would have been able to see myself in the rain… I would usually have to go outside for the garden hose.

Just a glitch and I hope things are going better for you today.

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The friction of birth? If you’ve no memory of an actual burn, I’m trying to think what might be similar.

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I once ran out of toilet paper and used a Bounce Sheet instead. And man, it burned like Hell!!

Perhaps darksith did the same thing at one point in his life? :wink:

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@SurprisedJ you and your kidsister went through a traumatic event… i admire you both. :heart:
mine is just in my mind…i never talked about it on here because of your story and i did not want to trigger you with my ’ make belief annoying mind glitch.'
i have had this one since 16…
thank you for your kind words.
take care :alien:

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if there was a med that cured sz 100%… i would be the first in line to take it.
take care :alien:

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Thank you for that… Very considerate…

Please talk about anything you need…

The house on fire hallucination can hit me any time… but I think I’m getting better at not letting it get out of control.

It’s been almost three years since I last really lost it… pulled my sis out her room at 1:00 a.m. and turned the garden hose on her. I can smile about it now

Hope we’re all doing better.

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:girl: + :shower: = :scream:
take care :alien: