so it came back today…
the one when i am on fire ( in reality this has never happened to me )
i have not had this thought since my thirties…used to be a ’ norm ’ for me.
i see flames on me, melting skin…or i am about to be on fire.
i am really tired at the moment…having a glitch !?!
at least i can bring logic to it …but the brain then tells me i am on fire or about to be…and then the merry go round starts again.
i turn the thought around by seeing torrential rain falling on top of me putting out the flames
…seems to be working.
no need to comment…i write this stuff…because it gets it out of my head .
thank you
take care
When all of your thoughts want to run you out of town, stand in front and make it look like a Parade!
that made me laugh…
i just saw me and the freak show which is my mind !?!
and all the muggles screaming and hiding behind their houses…
take care
Sorry, @darksith. It’ll pass, but wish it had never come back. Silly silly mind… ️
Do you feel it while it is “happening” ?
If you don’t feel the pain of burned skin that could be the way to rationalize it.
I’ve never seen things or heard things and I’m on meds, so I can’t really help. Would you be willing to try iti-007 when it comes out?
I’m sorry. It’s just a brain glitch. It will pass and you won’t be on fire anymore. Does taking a shower help?
I’m impressed that you can make yourself see the rain. That is a remarkable amount of control.
Oh man @darksith
I’m sorry you got hit with that one. I had that one a lot for a long time after our house fire… the smoke… the flames…
I wish I would have been able to see myself in the rain… I would usually have to go outside for the garden hose.
Just a glitch and I hope things are going better for you today.
The friction of birth? If you’ve no memory of an actual burn, I’m trying to think what might be similar.
I once ran out of toilet paper and used a Bounce Sheet instead. And man, it burned like Hell!!
Perhaps darksith did the same thing at one point in his life?
@SurprisedJ you and your kidsister went through a traumatic event… i admire you both.
mine is just in my mind…i never talked about it on here because of your story and i did not want to trigger you with my ’ make belief annoying mind glitch.'
i have had this one since 16…
thank you for your kind words.
take care
if there was a med that cured sz 100%… i would be the first in line to take it.
take care
Thank you for that… Very considerate…
Please talk about anything you need…
The house on fire hallucination can hit me any time… but I think I’m getting better at not letting it get out of control.
It’s been almost three years since I last really lost it… pulled my sis out her room at 1:00 a.m. and turned the garden hose on her. I can smile about it now
Hope we’re all doing better.
take care