I remember telling this one girl about my experience with lightning. She made me feel stupid. I even felt crazy. This was before being diagnosed. Before the pentagram era.
After a while I just told myself to remain anonymous.
If someone told me the same thing I wouldn’t believe it that it happened.I would believe that it’s possible.I think anything and everything is possible with an understanding of the logical part. Maybe in a few hundred years we’ll understand how"it" works. I’m trying to crack the code now. Astral projections and lucid dreams is childs play now. It doesn’t even phase me anymore. I’m trying to teleport😍 or play with fire. Or bend water. That’s better than money but Ineed money do that honestly.and a different diet
(No comments: I know I sound off but I will always believe in the(supe¿r) natural things.
I know it feels real, but it’s not. I’m sorry. Your brain is your perception of everything, and your perceptions are being distorted.
I felt powers too long time ago.
I learned. Don’t play with fire or you will get burned. Or hospitalized against your will.
I used to think that I had psychic powers then a psychiatrist told me I was delusion i was really annoyed but then after I took meds for awhile I went back to normal and I dont care anymore about psychic powers so it does go away after awhile
I know I have these abilities. I was very amazed. Telepathy esp. it’s real. I know.I experienced it. But you can’t convince everyone. I couldn’t tell my cat the sky isn’t blue it just looks blue…then again ignorance is bliss
I have no abilities other than the appeal of my heart and the power of my rationality and yet…
“you think you’ve seen a storm?”
storm passed apparently, evil won, all go back to you’re distusgustingly shallow ans stereotyping ways unless of course you’re one of the ones who is above this but otherwise is forced to live in this wolrd I lived ignorant of…in this case try and stay strong and don’t give in and become what they are.
Hell, what commanded me to lug rock by car three hours without a legal licesnse seemed just as insane as those around me today. Makes me wonder why I’m turinging to spirituality and prayer for strength and hope in my desperate situation.
But here I go getting drunk again ,I stayed off here for a good number of days and I should be able to stay away for good.
I have1/4 of tequila left in my captain Morgan labeled glass.
My liquor glasses are Bailey’s labled. My two double shot glass got lost in my last move not that I can even take shots these days, could no problem when I was just starting out, hell my first drink was three shots of Aboslut. These days I choke, probably due to too much alcohol poisoning in my late teens.
I’m all out now😖 I guess the journey begins
Just a little swish left. My sister looked out for me .
Looked out: verb: slang for"gave me some of hers" in this case
That might make me feel good for fifteen minutes
I’ve got a bottle of Smirnoff and a bottle of Irish Cream with a small bottle of Johnny Walker Red waiting in reserve for company or a special occasional.
Basically I’ve got enough to get myself smashed and if I had some weed which is the only time I might wnat some of that I’d have enough to push me over the edge.
I’d stick to beer but it’s a crap shoot whether a twelve packs gonna make me feel anything. This isn’t even why nobody hangs out with me…that comes down to unspeakable surrealism.
Yea you are set. I’m on probation so I can’t smoke.(although I did meet with Jane this morning😝) but yea I feel my buzz going down.takes a deep breath I guess I’m ready for tomorrow’s mission.
I think I might start drinking margaritas lol. It’s smooth and it doesn’t taste too bad.
margaritas are good ■■■■. But be careful is you’re on probation.
To no one in particular.
I would sometimes drink too much when I could not take it any more.
I later learned this was self medication.
So take a pill instead of a shot, it fixes that little problem better.
Its less calories too.
Hm.m really. …
Maybe something that’ll get me moving