i am not your ordinary diagnosed person and i think this is because i am high functioning but i think i surpass this in a way as i do things that ordinary sz folk don’t do and that is follow someone that i believe created the world and the planets and everything in it including us,
i follow this person because i believe it is something good to focus on, in church i feel like part of the community with people looking out for me, tonight we had a prayer meeting and i think i might join the kids again and try a sing along with them, it might help me feel better and also make the kids smile for a bit, idk if i can chance it though.
from what i have seen and heard in the church that i attend is that we want everyone to share what we have and that is the spirit of the thing, why wouldn’t we want to share the love,
now i am not trying to convert you or anything i just wanted to give a version of why i feel different from the average sz/sz aft, i am hoping i can be undiagnosed one day and then i won’t need to post in this section anymore,
hmm I don’t understand ? whats the connection with believing in god, Christianity and diagnose of schizophrenia ?
While I do must say that religions like Christianity are created by probably schizophrenic’s…Moses, Jesus hearing voices ( from god) seeing visions and light, getting the commands from God etc… today in western society you would put and lock someone in a mental hospital, because he fits the exact bill of a psychosis/schizophrenia
I wish I believed in something. Or nothing. If I believed in something I could go to church. If I didn’t have unusual spiritual beliefs, I could join a bunch of atheists somewhere. I think I might be stuck in the middle.
Glad your beliefs are providing you with some comfort daydreamer.
A number of schizophrenics have passionate religious beliefs. I don’t share their certainty, but I do believe in some type of benevolent spirit that governs the universe. I heard my beliefs expressed best when someone said “Whatever spirit guides my actions values my skepticism.” I think God gave us minds to use - even the reason that there might not be a God. I think God cares more about the moral quality of our lives than how many times we shout “Hosanna!” in church.
Strange thing in my psychosis I believed in god, I thought he send me on a special mission in life and I felt I was communicating with him no voices or so but just a feeling.
But the strange thing is I’m a full atheist…I don’t believe in a god and certainly not in the bible teachings to me a fantasy story with no proof to back it up.
I have to share this with everybody. The first time I heard a voice in my head that commanded me to do something was the same night after I was reading the Bible and I read the story about Abraham, how God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. So, I was reading this story before going to bed, went to bed, and in the middle of the night I woke up and had a voice in my head that commanded me to “impregnate Svetlana”. The thing is that Svetlana is my stepmom, who is 7 years older than me and my dad and her were trying to a long time to have kids and they couldn’t because Svetlana would have miscarriages. So, I heard this voice, and i went downstair to see Svetlana. She was alone in the bedroom, my father was away from home that night. But i didn’t do anything (thank God!). I had a thought that i needed to have sex with her to get her pregnant, but i didn’t. It was very scary to hear the voice and not realize that it is because I became schizophrenic. Only a year and a half later was i hospitalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia.
I have to share this with everybody. The first time I heard a voice in my head that commanded me to do something was the same night after I was reading the Bible and I read the story about Abraham, how God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. So, I was reading this story before going to bed, went to bed, and in the middle of the night I woke up and had a voice in my head that commanded me to “impregnate Svetlana”. The thing is that Svetlana is my stepmom, who is 7 years older than me and my dad and her were trying to a long time to have kids and they couldn’t because Svetlana would have miscarriages. So, I heard this voice, and i went downstair to see Svetlana. She was alone in the bedroom, my father was away from home that night. But i didn’t do anything (thank God!). I had a thought that i needed to have sex with her to get her pregnant, but i didn’t. It was very scary to hear the voice and not realize that it is because I became schizophrenic. Only a year and a half later was i hospitalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia.
@SzAdmin While we’re rearranging things, it would be nice to have a clearly designated place for religious faith in recovery.
It’s not an area I would frequent, but faith is such a big part of many people’s lives and recovery, and it would be nice if they could discuss that in a place out of the way of people troubled by it.
The concept of a Higher Power is an important part of my sobriety and also recovery from SZ, so it would be nice to find a place to put these discussions, especially one that isn’t a slap in the face to the person starting the conversation.
I see it as kind of like the “mania” of spirituality, as opposed to the “depression” of spirituality that some of us get. Like while you enjoy positive sides to spirituality, when I become spiritual it’s usually because I’m experiencing harassment by demons which is actually psychosis and trauma-related things. If spirituality were a positive experience for me then I might very well be religious, to be honest. I mean it would be good for my mental health if it was just all about love and community. I’m glad for you that it can be a source of positiveness for you.