Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, I Just dont know how to make sense of it–and among the other paranormal experiences I have had, it can be troubling and confusing for me when I am confident that Im being guided to believe something…and I also am conflicted about God–is he within me, a man in the sky-- my imagination or something beyond my comprehension?
To some questions you’ll never have an answer but I know what my psychiatrist would say.
Yeah its difficult for someone to be spiritual and also have schizophrenia. I dont actually hear a voice, but its more like intuition. While one hand spirituality helps me combat symptoms like Eastern Buddhism and meditation on non-attachment, I believe that faith is capable of creating at least the sense of health and optimism. Many studies done on the power of confidence and the placebo effect.
I’ve heard voices who claimed to be god. They were very loud.
Meditation I can only do in moderation, else my symptoms get worse.
For many people - both ill and healthy - Spirituality is a life long journey.
I would just try to avoid to obsess about it. That’s not healthy.
“Time to up the medication” probably. And once up very reluctant to lower them.
You made me laugh. Thanks.
But that’s the thing, even before I was a teen and diagnosed with schizophrenia being a child with an overactive imagination and brilliant mind, that was normal. I didnt suffer from it, and do not regret not being medicated until later on. I would have not had the childhood insight and experiences if I had been medicated from a young age–and it would have voided my relationship with God as that was everything to me when I was little.
Careful, they won’t let you discuss it here.
Yes I understand why. We are stigmatized enough, let alone for our beliefs. I agree its a subject better kept completely separate from schizophrenia, as they are completely separate things and should be discussed on separate forums not in the context of a disease model.
I only posted this because Im a bit overwhelmed by my thoughts, and Im trying to do exactly that-- discern whats a spiritual belief, and an unrealistic guess and than try to make sense of how to even discuss that being diagnosed when society will brush you off for a label etc.
I guess I will never recover from my beliefs because no one is willing to let me express them; maybe I should remove myself from this mental health system.
You could express your beliefs in a diary or in artwork. Every culture has outlets but some things are taboo or people prefer not to talk about it.
The question I ask is if these beliefs are your own or just somebody elses? Somebody else’s interpretaion, or whatever just being repeated and handed down, instilled or indoctrinated from generation to generation.
To question our programming is a core action to me.
Occam’s razor: You have a busted noodle that is making you experience things that aren’t real.
Same problem over here. We’ve just gotta keep buggering on.
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