Toxic family situation

My mom and dad are going through a messy divorce right now. My mom also suffers from a psychotic illness and I feel like that is being used against her by my dad and one of my brothers. We’re not home when my dad is but when we are here with that brother, he’ll say things like, “mom’s going to kill us” or, “mom’s going to burn the house down” in front of our youngest brother who seems to be being influenced by this stuff to the point where he’s starting to avoid my mom. My dad has used my mom’s illness against her in the past and I’m sure that hasn’t changed in regards to this situation.

I feel like this is incredibly dehumanizing and toxic. I hate the stigma against people like us, and for it to be utilized like this is disgusting. I keep reassuring my mom that she’s not the one who’s wrong in this situation because she’s not smearing my dad in front of my little brother (even though my dad is arguably way more dangerous).

I don’t really know how much longer I can cope with this. It’s wearing my mom down and it’s starting to wear me down, too.


That sounds awful. I’m sorry :frowning:

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Thanks. We’re dealing with it as best we can. It’s exhausting though. And the kicker? Both this brother and my dad work in healthcare. I hope they don’t treat their severely mentally ill patients like this (but they probably do).

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Hello @antidepressant044, Hold Tight to What Helps You Rest at Night.

That Voice in Your Heart That Reassures You, (That Even Through Misery), it Always Finds a Way to Get Better.

Sit With The Sun And Moon, (When You Can), And Ask Your Silent Questions of Faith.

And Watch as The Truth Sets You Free.

And Brings You to The Light at The End of The Tunnel.

Hope, Love, And Peace, is Waiting!.

And Grow Strong From All You Learn Throughout These Troublesome Times!.

:peace_symbol: :black_heart: :peace_symbol:

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