My mom is currently ranting loudly downstairs about her delusions about the CIA, Government, Lockhead martin and clones. I am trying not to hear voices. She’s so loud, its like there are demons in her trying to break me down. My dad refuses to answer the phone. He never came to the house this evening. I cant sleep. Im so upset. I wanted to check the mail. My dad wants me depressed. Both emotional neglect or abuse, and psychotic abuse. Because my mom is disabled Im the one taking care of things, but because I dont have a car it doesnt appear that way. My dad ■■■■■■■ left.
Don’t take this wrong, but your family sounds like a mess. Can you find an alternate living situation more conducive to healthy living and life progress?
I filled out paperwork to move downtown to free housing for people with disablities. My dad neve dropped off the paperwork because of covid and he was scared that I would get sick if I moved out, because that was right when the lockdowns began…
Your dad sounds like a control freak. Can you fill out the paperwork again and submit it on your own? Do you have any friends who will let you couch surf?
OMG its so horrible. If I leave the house or socialize with anyone he and my mom harass me to come home. My mom now screams at me whenever I leave the house that its not safe out there.
Ugh. Your mom needs treatment. I wouldn’t take what she says too seriously - she’s obviously unwell. You may have to summon the inner fortitude to move on with your life if everyone is going to hold you back. You only get one crack at this life. It’s too short to live it on other people’s terms.
I was terrified of moving out of my dad’s when I was 18. After living alone for 3 or 4 days, I felt like a king. No one riding me anymore and finally had some peace and quiet. Back then, in the pre-cell phone era, if I didn’t want to hear anyone’s bulllshit, I’d just take the phone off the hook. Even now, I’ll just turn the damn cell the hell off and let the world go on without me. Hell is other people.
this just sucks. I cant do anything right.
Fixed that for you. You’re trying to establish some independence and get going with a job. Sounds like you are trying to do quite a lot right by yourself. If you wanna chat this out, I’ll be here for a good while.
Sorry about your mom, would be hard to live with someone like that. I used to be a ranter but got better with medicine. I’m guessing she isn’t willing to get treatment? I have a brother that just came down with schizophrenic symptoms and is currently refusing treatment, it’s so frustrating, I mean he knows I have it and that I got better with treatment but I guess that’s not enough of a reason to go to the damn doctor.
My delusions went away a few years after the disorder started, thanks to medicine.
My mom is wonderful to live with when she’s well.
I don’t think moving out is going to solve family problems. No matter where you live they still are you’re family. My husband is having a mental health crisis. I’m just trying to stay calm busy myself with other things. It’s true that I have to work on me but I don’t get better by pushing everyone away. You can get better by taking time to understand other people. Today I’m going to find ways to be a better me. That way my family can rely on me.
Yeah I moved back in because I was worried about her. I could’ve stayed in Florida. Its just really hard to be around my mom right now she can be super critical and she’s not making much sense. It makes it harder because I’m a different person than her, to deal with my own issues.
Hang in there…some days are better than others. Your doing a good thing for her. She’ll realize it one day.
So both you and your mom suffer from schizophrenia?
Why isn’t she on meds?
Can’t really complain if they support you, really. I learned that the hard way.
I have similar ‘delusions’ as your mom, but I just keep it here on the forums, formerly youtube, and I talk about it with my parents but they don’t understand, believe, or accept it.
Until you’re independent and living and supporting yourself, it’s not really your place to complain.
I was going to say the same thing.
@anon69073975, my mom also has psychosis (schizoaffective, like me) and I just cannot hang out with her very often because of it. I love her, but she is not properly medicated and is extremely delusional, which fuels my delusions and hallucinations. It’s very unhealthy for me to be around her too much.
I think you need to move out, if possible. You could still see your mom, but I think you need to keep your distance most of the time when she is not doing well, especially when/if you’re struggling with your own mental health. A very psychotic parent can and will, unfortunately, worsen the mental health of their psychotic kids. I’m saying that from personal experience.
Hang in there.
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