There’s been a temporary living situation arranged where my mom, my sister, and I stay with my grandpa the weeks my dad is at work (he works out-of-state and has a schedule of seven days on, seven days off), and we come back home and stay the week my dad is off at work. My mom’s lawyer recently informed her that it’d look better for my mom’s custody battle if we took my little brother over to grandpa’s because her leaving him here at home while dad’s here doesn’t work for her argument that my dad is an unfit parent. We’re supposed to leave for my grandpa’s today and my little brother doesn’t want to go and he’s pretty upset at the prospect. This drama is really wearing me down, y’all.
Yeah that’s definitely a lot to take on one’s shoulders.
I really commend you for being there for your little brother.
He’s most likely going to look up to you in his older years.
Take care.
I’m sorry @antidepressant044
Sorry, that sounds hard. Do you have anyone like a counselor or therapist to talk too?
I don’t. I have a group of amazing friends who have been supporting me through all of this but a therapist might be better able to assist me through the complicated emotions that have been arising in me ever since this particular family drama started.
I agree you need a therapist to deal with all that. I’m sorry you’re going through that.
I just emailed a new therapist who might be a good fit since the therapist I saw last is at her maximum amount of patients and so is unable to take me back atm.
I am sorry that you are going through that.
Has the new potential therapist responded yet?
Wishing you the best, @antidepressant044
Good that you have great friends. I hope the new therapist will be a good fit. Wishing you the strength to deal with it.
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