I’m cutting back the amount of caffeine I consume and seem to be sleeping much better now. Tomorrow I’m going to try and stop it completely for my New Year’s resolution.
I’ve once quitted coffee for 30 days. But I’m back, addicted and drink a lot. Doesn’t interfere with my sleep though. My first coffee in the morning is one of my favorite moments of the day.
Thanks @Jonathan2. With me the caffeine seems to be keeping me awake. I thought it was my AP doing that.
I was thinking of quitting caffeine next year or at least coffee and just drinking tea
Thanks @anon21849028. I think there are some teas that don’t have any caffeine, but I don’t know which ones.
Herbal teas don’t have any caffeine
Any advice on which particular one’s?
I just went to the Lipton website and they have 15 different herbal teas and they look good
Thanks @anon21849028
I like chamomile lavender tea. I buy looseleaf tea (in a jar) and brew it with a french press.
But you can also buy tea bags. I used to buy this brand before switching to looseleaf tea.
Amazon link:
EDIT: Oh, and BTW, it’s caffeine free. It’s an herbal tea.
Thanks @Blossom. I think I heard chamomile tea helps you sleep or was it relaxing?
You’re welcome!
You’re correct on both. Chamomile, and also lavender, have a calming effect. So, it can help you sleep, if you drink it before bed. Or it can just help you relax during the day. It helps with anxiety, too.
Chamomile reminds me of when i found a field that had wild chamomile growing with the crop. I picked tons and made my mother some strong tea from it. She fell asleep about 30 minutes later. Said the tea was too strong but it was good sleep.
Thanks @anon4362788. I may run over to the pharmacy or grocery store and get some. They both are on a bus route.
I guess with the AP’s, I was very sedated on Zyprexa and then on Risperdal. I switched to Abilify, and I guess it doesn’t sedate you like the other two. I was drinking a lot of coffee on Zyprexa and Risperdal to stay awake.
I drink coffee quite a bit, but I also like tea. I haven’t tried chamomile yet, but I like caffeine-free teas that my mother buys. They can be quite calming.
Thanks @Tulane 15
I just checked Walgreens website and they have chamomile tea at the store near me.
I have two different chamomile teas
I drink one cup of cappucino in the morning, that’s it. It doesn’t even disturb my afternoon siesta, let alone my good night sleep.