According to the diet I should lose at least 1 Kg (2.205 pounds) a day. I ate so far only one serve of vegetables and drunk lots of water. Slowly but surely I will have these recommended three shakes a day and two serves of vegetables.
Man, are you sure that’s safe?I kg is a day is a lot, most reliable recommendations I see say 2 lbs a week is a good rate to lose weight. Also, the slower you lose weight, the more likely you are to keep it off. I think 2.2 lbs a day is unhealthy, if it’s even possible. What diet is this? Where did you hear about it? It’s usually smart to tell your doctor about a diet before starting it. There’s a lot of fad diets out there that aren’t necessarily proved to be safe and don’t have any scientific basis for what they claim. Remember, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Is this diet for long term or just to use for short term immediate weight loss? Most fad diets promise you will lose a bunch of weight immediately and even if you do it for a month and it works, you will most likely gain all the weight back.
Better to go on a diet that has proven to be safe long term and has studies backing up it’s claims such as the Mediterranean Diet or the DASH Diet, both lay out healthy ways of eating and losing weight.
Yes it totally proven, I bought the diet in a big drugstore from the shelf. The diet is mass-produced and popular every start of the year. That’s when they are on special. It has a club and such, counseling, advise, forum, you name it, everything. Like a luxury respite resort diet, but online at home.
I stand by everything I said. Losing I kg a day is not healthy. And I doubt it has real scientific evidence backing up its claims. You will most likely lose some weight and then gain it all back. Everything I wrote above is basically common sense and what I’ve read in many places. Even if you said you will lose one lb a day I would say that’s unhealthy but I kg a day is way too much. Sorry. What’s the name of this diet?
A healthy weight loss is 2 pounds a week.
Oh my, my mistake. One kilo a WEEK. That about 6 months to lose 20 Kg, I calculate a little extra time, I am not mister strictly and relapse to a lumberjacksteak or similar maybe in 20 weeks.
That’s more like it. I would still do some research on the diet and read up on it. Do searches for the pros and cons of the diet and how it compares to other diets. Losing 20 lbs in six months sounds reasonable.
I researched many diets, and I think this diet is right for me.
I was little obese as a kid and my mother put me on many diets. Finally I believed I am actually fat and hopeless and shuffled everything in. I became 40 Kg overweight. I didn’t diet for about 35 years. I want finish my bachelor’s degree in food and nutrition I started in 2024. I have to do it all over again, I don’t have any recognised subject I finished yet.
That’s good. Diets aren’t a “one size fits all” type of thing. Some diets may fit some and not others.
Do you have diabetes? You could try Mounjaro. What’s the name of the diet?
You just got to be careful, even popular diets like Atkins and the Keto Diet have some warnings about them and may not be suitable for everyone.
I don’t know if I should promote this diet. It has powder I need to mix it with water three times a day. I need to drink lots of water and eat two serves of vegetables a day. I think one tablespoon of kitchenoil a day is optional. But it covers all nutrients and minerals and the stomach can rehabilitate by eating vegetables from the unhealthy diet I had before.
Well, I said about everything I could say about the subject. Like I said, what I said was common sense and a well balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, lean meat, healthy carbs, some fruit and low fat dairy is generally a good diet. These components may vary but these are the basics of a healthy diet.
How many calories a day do you plan on eating?
Sure, it’s a diet to lose lots of weight, which I can’t lose with a ordinary balanced diet. When I gained the weightloss of 40 Kg I return to a healthy diet.
But are you going to return to a healthy diet for real? Or are you really going to return to your former, unhealthy diet that made you fat in the first place?
Well, when I want the diet to work I need to do the program as recommended. That means to eat and drink the suggested amounts of vitamins and minerals coming in a shake. The vegetables are some kind of super healthy fibre and vitamins, minerals, too. The tablespoon of kitchenoil is for digestion. The diet works long enough to change eating habits and learn to cook healthy and take my time to respect food and preparing.
I haven’t discovered the forum yet, from this diet. I will join sooner or later and get advice and support.
I drank so far 9 glasses of water in 2 1.25 litre bottles. I had one serve of vegetables (a mug) and one shake. This is the first day.
The shakes come in kinds of flavours.
That’s a lot to lose in a week, let alone in a day. Sounds like a very unsafe diet that is making fraudulent claims.
Be careful of hyponatremia (water intoxication). Your kidneys can process about 1 litre of fluid per hour and this is the average as it varies by individual. Exceed the amount of liquid your kidneys can process and it can kill you.