I’ve deleted my FB before. I’ve had it back for about 6 months and just put it into delete mode. I have like 30 days to log back in if I want… tbh I really hate FB. It gives me anxiety and I spend too much time on it. but then there are days where I feel really alone and cut off from the world, and FB helps a bit with that.
I dont know if the good outweighs the bad. I kinda like not being scrutinized by anyone by not having FB. What do you think. Is there an in between or is all or nothing?
Face book has proven by researchers to be bad for you. Higher depression rates across the board plus most people feel isolated. Look at the findings or do your research on it. They tried to say that actually engaging would help but thats a fallacy.
I was big on Facebook in college, then deleted it for years and didn’t miss it. Got back on for a little til I got sick and have now been off it for almost 4 years. Still don’t miss it.
yeah that’s another big one. “friends.” man I disappeared for 2 years because of schizophrenia. I get back on FB and get connected and maybe 1 or 2 asked me what I had been up to. pshh… “friends…”
sorry mate. It’s rough, I know. better to know someone’s true colors though and move on with your life. I’d rather be alone by myself than alone around people if you know what i mean.
with paranoid thoughts and anxiety, i think it’s best to limit your time on there. i still have my fb page but frequent it less and less these days. it’s depressing to see everyone evolve with spouse, kids, and career when I’m feeling stuck. I’m genuinely happy for them but that can only go so far. I wouldn’t delete it but definitely limit the time on it.
Guess it’s because of my age, but I like FB.
If it weren’t for FB, I’d rarely talk to my family because I hate using the phone.
Then again, I hardly ever post stuff, I tend to reply to others.
I deactivated mine. Maybe you can do the same, deactivating your profile on FB temporarily disables it from being viewed. Then if you decide to activate it again you don’t lost any info.
To be honest I think FB is a terrible place for people with mental illness to hang out. Most of us struggle with basic things like showering, brushing our teeth, and even finding a significant other.
Everyone on FB only posts about their good news. I.e. getting engaged, pics of their kids, new material things they’ve purchased etc etc.
People rarely use it so socialize. Which to my understanding is what is was intended for.
Idk. I could rant forever about how much I hate it. But I hope you reach a decision that brings you inner peace.