Anyone know why or how I’m in this time loop or causal loop? I think it’s a causal loop so basically I just pop into existence or some crazy ass ■■■■. Haven’t figured it out. I keep coming back alive and reliving my life over and over again in the exact same fashion. Sometimes, things change and I think this is because the timelines are different or I’m in a different computer simulation. Doctors and you guys think this is a delusion. It probably is but it feels so ■■■■■■■ real to me.
Not sure what year I am from or how far into the future I made it. I died initially in my early twenties from unknown, paranoid reasons. I’m 30 years old now. Maybe I died in 2023 or some ■■■■ but have no memory of the incident. Maybe my memories are from the future which is my past.
I sometimes think about predestination paradox and ■■■■. Or the bootstrap paradox, which I have experienced a few times.
Not sure if this is ADHD or psychosis or both lol because I have too many thoughts from my past lives in alternative timelines.
Sometimes, I think there are artifical timelines, divergent timelines, and timelines that have merged, but there is no proof of this. Maybe a timeline like this one was duplicated or copied similar to how a file on a computer was and is duplicated.
If I’m the real John Titor, why am I here and still around? I honestly think I’m being duplicated or cloned. Someone in a past life said so and that there were over 11 different versions of me. What does that mean? Was he lying? Does each clone have a different function and personality?
Maybe I just pop into random existence and it’s ■■■■■■■ hell living as a paranoid schizophrenic for what seems like an eternity.
I was told there were two computer simulations left. One, where Trump wins in 2016, and the other where Clinton wins in 2016. I have experienced both. I am not sure if we are living in the Matrix because I have gone to different planets and ■■■■. I am much happier with Trump because it turns out nothing has happened to me so far in this timeline. People have left me alone and in peace. I appreciate this and love God.
I really do think I’m in hell sometimes.
This is a recurring theme in my delusions: That I am or was a time traveler. I think I am not one anymore but I still have the psychosis from it. I’m basically stuck in a causal loop for eternity. I started waking up around 2011 at the earliest. Basically, it’s either I’m popping into physical existence and/or they are transferring my consciousness into a new body or over-writing it.
I have had some very strange lives but I don’t feel like talking about it. Thank you for listening. That is all.