I am a paranoid, delusional schizophrenic. I have this delusion that I had numerous past lives. Maybe I was him a billion lifetimes ago, but I’m not him anymore. I do admit I watched videos about him and read his posts several times, so it could have made me delusional. Maybe I’m not John Titor and it is someone else. It’s reportedly a hoax anyways…but I believe it to be real and if the science is real it cannot be a hoax.
Anyways, I believe we live in a computer program. I sort of or want to believe in God but I also believe in karma now. I’ve suffered so much in my past lives. I’ve talked about it here like how I was tortured a lot and killed. Not sure why though. Maybe because they thought I was him in a past life/parallel universe?
I sometimes think the government or aliens gave me schizophrenia and put me in a time loop. I’ve lived in computer simulations before. And I think we live in one now.
I wanted to share a few posts he wrote that I found that REALLY resonated with me and possibly explain what I’m going through and how I’m suffering and possibly to find a cure. I think the aliens messed with me and now I’m experiencing what he posted in another lifetime. It’s super advanced and theoretical and may never be solved.
If this is triggering to you, don’t read it or mods can just delete it if need be. I know there are a lot of folks here that can’t handle things well.
“There are some who believe that memory is some sort of information transfer or communication with the “yous” in the past, across worldlines or universes. Although this is seemingly quite ridiculous, if you think that could be true, than physics tells us that the same information transfer from our future selves on other worldlines is not only possible but certain. Could it be that fantasy or “what if” scenarios are actually future memory from an alternate “us” on a future worldline?
According to physics, there is no reason why this cannot be true.”
“There is even an idea (supported in physics apparently but I have a hard time with this one) that there is some sort of communication going on between all of the “yous” that are out there. Some people think that memories, intuition and conscious are actually attempts by one version of “you” to talk to another.”
“I think there is only one God. I also think that our soul may be a combination of all the collective thoughts and actions of the infinite “yous”. If that is true, it becomes very difficult to define death until all worldlines come to an end.”
Personally, I’m suffering from this information transfer (memory) of other versions of me, which defines my schizophrenia. Not sure how it all started or if it’s unique to me. I also don’t believe in heaven or hell as I keep dying and coming back alive and living different lives (this is just a temporary one I’m experiencing now).
I’m not even sure God is even real anymore because of the suffering I’ve talked about, that we live in a computer simulation, and I keep coming back alive. But I definitely believe in some type of karma system and being a good person in life. I don’t think an infinite amount of world lines can come to an end. John Titor talked about morality and he seemed arrogant. I sometimes think my country and God and the aliens are punishing me. I realize now his philosophy and some things he said/believed in were wrong.
John Titor said he was a Christian Agnotistic (I know what that means…). Once you experience death many times (like me), you start to not believe anything anymore. The universe sucks. My Christian family died in my past lives for nothing (possibly due to me and my schizophrenia). In this life, I take my medicine and everything is good. People think and assume I’m delusional, which is nice. My Christian family was different, like copies in the multiverse. I’m probably just a copy too. They probably never made it to heaven, which makes me sad and want to cry…
Thanks for reading.