Sometimes I have delusions that time travelers are traveling time to hurt my feelings. They think it’s fun.
Is this a common delusion? Do you have these delusions?
Sometimes I have delusions that time travelers are traveling time to hurt my feelings. They think it’s fun.
Is this a common delusion? Do you have these delusions?
I wish I had answers or advice for you my friend. I’m too new at this to know, and my delusions stopped with the meds.
Do you think it’s all in my head? Sometimes the delusions can be quite realistic
From what you wrote, most definitely.
I don’t know for sure, but I think a part of getting over delusions is knowing they’re not real and not ‘feeding them’.
Probably harder than it seems.
Just know there is no time travel
I do wish it existed though lol, that would be exciting!
Yes. I’ve had these delusions for years ever since I’ve gotten sick or later down the road. I thought a lot of bizarre things like cloning, AI, aliens, mind control, time travel, and simulation theory. I even thought I was someone else like famous persons like Satoshi Nakamoto and John Titor, which I am not. I read about them and got paranoid. I have no programming abilities, or money, or proof and never learned it. Nobody believes it including myself (most days anymore) thank God. It makes me paranoid and scared sometimes.
I believe in time travel but don’t know if it’s just cloning or an illusion anymore or reserved for higher beings, basically…anymore…
I believe in the theoretical stuff and we are moving forward in time constantly, and I’ve seen the TV shows where they say going close to the speed of light or orbiting a black hole can cause time travel. The main problem is backwards time travel, which would require unknown physics, or something and may be impossible or cause paradoxes. That’s where I read into (delusional) many world’s theory and the John Titor hoax/posts and how backwards time travel can be achieved through kerr black holes that spin and are charged…the science has been around science the 70-80s…
But to build it or go through it would be foolish or a different story all together…
I think it’s impossible…
I think time travelers have better things to do than make fun of you especially on a schizophrenic forum…
Most of them are probably scared or don’t exist or haven’t been found…I think a lot of them don’t exist or look like grey aliens tbh.
Good to see someone with a similar delusions and also going through what I am going through. I also think people are reading/controlling my mind. I don’t have delusions of simulation theory but I do have the Truman Show Delusion.
A lot of my delusions are science based as well.
I do really wish time travel was real though, just not with the methods that I have delusions over. I want to see dinosaurs, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, meet Albert Einstein, etc.
Good to see some other science nerds going through what I’m going through!
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