This is different

The last time I got sick, I had fairly minor visual hallucinations. Rippling of flat surfaces, an unreal look to everything, maybe some glimpses in the corners of my eye. But this time, it looks like my visual hallucinations are becoming much more overt. Tonight I kept having blatant, somewhat persistent (as in, more than a few seconds), vivid hallucinations. Like seeing a chair fling itself across a room, or watching a creamer packet take off like a rocket, complete with a smoke trail! I can still tell that they’re not real, but it’s still very jarring to be seeing things that clearly.

So I guess this time around, it’s gonna be more about the visuals than the auditory. I can live with that, the voices were terrible and so far they’ve stayed quiet. Other than that, I’m getting some minor paranoia, no significant delusions that anyone has noticed and told me about, and the usual music in my head and minor confusion and memory problems. No emotional disturbances so far, except maybe a slight flattening.

I think next week is time to go to the hospital, things are progressing and it’s time to get some help.


I often find with lack of sleep my symptoms tend to flair more. So often a few good night sleep is all I need to get back on track more.

Sounds like a very good plan of attack. Kudos.

Hope you feel better soon.

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I’m definitely worse at night, but at the worst part of my last episode, I was hearing voices and getting delusional thoughts 24/7. I want to get help before I get that bad.

Do you mind if I ask why you are waiting until next week? The sooner you get help then hopefully you can stop it before it progresses.

I’m so glad your getting ready to take advantage of getting some help through this one. It’s not easy asking for help… especially if you’ve fought so long alone and managed.

I’m not good with asking for help… I’d like to think I’m better at it.

Getting you back on track sooner will help you get back to what you love sooner. I used to be so anti-hospital. But after seeing my youngest brother go in and how much he needed it, and how things are for him now… Plus how much it did help me, wether I want to admit it or not… I’m starting to see the value of nipping my problems in the bud.

I’m glad to hear your going to give yourself some time out and a chance to get some help.

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Labor day, mostly. My boyfriend has a few days off from his job, which he otherwise works at 7 days a week, so I want to spend some time with him before I go in. I think I can hold on until Tuesday, as long as I don’t get too stressed out or overwhelmed by anything. A few days with the man I love seems like just the ticket.

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