Thinking about the past

I have rumination ocd plus intrusive thoughts and I keep thinking about my past and the embarrassing actions I’ve done when I was psychotic. The flashbacks come out of nowhere and I spend at least 3-4 hours thinking about what I’ve done.

I remember aimlessly walking in stores when I was psychotic, not in my right mind. I also said really embarrassing stuff to other people saying that I would kill myself etc. I keep thinking about that and it’s absolutely miserable.

I don’t know why I have done that and I feel like a big embarrassment. Only recently I’ve realized I have rumination ocd which makes sense. I wish I was a better person and I hate myself for making those mistakes.


The past is a heavy thing to carry - put it down.


I have a lot of regrets and I’m gonna be a hypocrite but you gotta forgive yourself for the mistakes you made you don’t seem like you were in your right mindset and trust me thinking about the past is a bad idea learning from it is a better thing than regret again I’m being a hypocrite because as my therapist said “it was your illness not your fault” and I have trouble believing that


these two women from my grade mean mugged me in the library, i got my glory in the situation but i always revisit flashback to this scene in the library it gives me a bad feeling

i have ptsd sometimes its helped but sometimes it just gets worse

we live in a ■■■■■■ up world

i felt like i was emotionally abused just yesterday…some people befriend me but theyre really stab me in the back and do the worst things to me all at once only to have spoiled a good time…i cant trust anyone anymore. ive met good people but im surrounded by terrible people in my life too. its tough to deal with sometimes

If there’s anyway you could look forward to better days I would, the past is one of the only things we can’t really change ya know

I have a lot of delusions related to my past and now I have ocd as a result.

It’s hard, very hard. I’m having a really hard time.

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I’m so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. OCD is terrible. It’s like feeling completely out of control of what you are doing, powerless. There are a lot of medicines that can help. I tried many and wanted to give up and crawl in a hole, but my pdoc threw a hail mary and increased a med I was already on for something else and it helped. I’m not 100% cured, but I’m not totally out of control tortured either. I’m trying to say I got some relief.

Be forthright about your symptoms and seek help. That’s my advice. I truly hope you get some relief, us leaves got to stick together!

Try to replace it with focusing on right now. What can I do to be a better person to myself and others right now? You won’t be perfect at it and that’s ok. But when you realize you’re ruminating, go back to that question. What can I do right now to be a better person to myself and others?

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