Feeling like trash: I'm embarrassed of my past and the things I went through

Does your past make you feel like wanting to become a different person?

You are not alone, most people have things to be embarrassed about or blame themselves for, part of growing and learning. A lot of bad things can just happen, try not to beat yourself up over it, put the past behind you and try to carry on.


Healing from the past in therapy atm. So I am becoming a different person. What I hope to do is not forget my past and hopefully remember what it was like and be there for someone going it through it. Saying what I needed to hear at that point of time. Sort of a pay it forward thing.

I try to draw strength from my past. Sure some parts may have been bad, but it made me who I am. Learn from your mistakes. Learn to forgive others if someone has hurt you. Take all the anger and translate it to something positive. For, however you where wrong, ensure you never hurt someone in that way like you were hurt.

Look at things as either + or neutral. Don’t look at things as a - . You past helped shape you, and you’ve learned a lot from it.

What matters is the now. If there’s something that’s bothering about your life in this moment carefully analyze it. You can either accept it, or don’t, but keep moving & don’t live in the past.

I think we’ve all had moments like that when we were psychotic and did things that we regret.

I have made SO many really bad choices. Great person/bad choices. My delusion and paranoia sometimes tell me I will be emotionally tortured and persecuted for all my bad choices and embarrassing judgment. I agree we need to forgive ourselves and move on. My illness sometimes makes it hard.

a few months or years ago; I would think about the past and the embarrassing things that happened in school, college and real-life. my remembrance was so bad sometimes that I would almost trigger myself into a spiral of continual negativity, paranoia, and depression. The only way I’ve avoided this is by not thinking about those past embarrassing moments. Usually it would help to tell myself that I was a naive young kid. sometimes it would help to tell myself that I had a mental illness which made me think and act differently than normal people. then I look at my understanding of my mental illness and my progress. end up feeling quite proud of myself.

My present makes me feel like I want to become a different person.

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Me too some days.

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I know this feeling. But it gets better with time.