The Three C’s of Delusions

Good morning! I forget where I saw this, but it has helped me a ton. I was doing it even though I didn’t know what it was. Haha.

Challenge the delusion. Listen to the other side of the coin. Does the delusion really make sense?

Change how you think about the delusion. Consider thinking about it constructively, if at all. Don’t ruminate, or worry about the past.

Create a better mindset based more in reality. The definition of delusion is untruths. Focus on the truth. Find a path that suits you.

Any input or ideas to add to this or make it better would be appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps!!


I don’t understand how one deluded schizophrenic can challenge a delusion when he doesn’t even suspect that it 's a delusion.


You’re saying it comes down to a question of what is real and what isn’t. Reality is objective. People with delusions may experience differently but that doesn’t mean on some dimension we are all the same, and deserve love, peace, and happiness.

I think it’s all about thinking. If I question reality too much it becomes overthinking, and a delusion, maybe. Don’t get me wrong, I think thinking is great and all, but without credible sources backing up my claims or facts, for me there’s no room for endless postulation resulting in any sort of productivity. For me.

I do think initial low doses of challenging the norm is healthy. It’s how I change. Breaking through comfort zones into growth. Taking a leap of faith. Measuring risk vs reward. Now I’m not saying all my dreams will definitely come true, but they could. It’s all belief.

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