Maybe I'm wrong

Maybe delusions have a meaning. Living in a separate reality. Not being able to discerning. Reality is what i imagine.

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My delusions just confuse me.


My delusions are exaggerated versions of reality


My delusions are metareality.


Delusions are universally a place that isn’t worth living in. I’ll take the reality of being an unemployed nobody with schizophrenia in remission, and some potential to make something of my life, over the delusion of being “The Chosen One” and being 100% useless due to symptoms.


I appreciate your post :+1:

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Delusions are a real problem for me when I’m unmedicated, they don’t have a meaning says my therapist and it’s only a produce of a chemically imbalanced brain Aka to much dopamine.

To much dopamine makes us crazy for some reason, even if the meds block most of the dopamine intake, we could easily get psychotic after eating a chocolate (wich increase dopamine) of to much caffeine or getting to much attention (wich makes our body rise our dopamine to handle fame lol).

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But what is reality? Sometimes that’s my delusion.


Agreed, living in delusion land/ alternate realities gets you no where, confused and a stronger link with the voices who ultimately want us dead… I wish they would just shut up.


So true. That is what it is

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