The Possible Remedy to Treatment Vs. Cure

There has been talk of a “Rosetta Stone” gene for schizophrenia and the eventual finding of a way to detect it in time to someday correct it which would cure and eliminate schizophrenia forever. However most of the research in schizophrenia is aimed at finding new drugs for the disorder quite literally because that’s where the money is. They can make a lot more money making you pay for an expensive drug every month than treating you at birth. Well perhaps the fact that genetics is not the only factor in the disorder might mean that every baby can be tested for the Rosetta Stone gene and the drug companies can make money off of the tests and treatment rather than making so many of us obese, diabetic, and unable to have normal lives. It’s just a suggestion.


There’s drugs coming out in 2017 that might do that. CBD drugs and one called ITI-007. Who knows.

God I remember when I was like 10 someone said to me “They already have the cure for cancer! But they can make more money off treatment than a cure!” Weird…that memory comes 15 years ago but I still can remember exactly where I was, what the weather was out, etc… But I grasp that whole concept of money making corporations much differently now. The way I thought about it then is so different than the way I think about it now.

Sorry for going off on a tangent a little, go on.

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Because 1/3rd of the population of people with SZ do better med-free, it is really kind of a double-edged sword focusing so much on trying to treat symptoms. I can do that on my own.

Im not wasting time or money, or my body on taking pills. I put my eggs in different baskets such as cbt, my own knowledge of myself and experience, exercise and i diet of probiotic foods and cruciferous veggies\salads. The only thing is not being lazy and doing these lifestyles simultaneously for me. I get to lazy to keep up sometimes but now I know what to do.

Meditation also brah brah.