As far as I know poeple doctors and scientist are doing all they can to cure schizophrenia.
Do you think more emphasis and money could be put into schizophrenia?
As far as I know poeple doctors and scientist are doing all they can to cure schizophrenia.
Do you think more emphasis and money could be put into schizophrenia?
I am hopeful with broad institute…
They’ve got a lot of money to work with now - They’re looking into the brain to find where schizophrenia starts and it’s path. They say reading and understanding the brain should lead to smarter medicines that will focus in like a rifle instead of the shotgun we have now. I think that’s right - those guns
It’s true there’s not much drug research done right now. Drug companies are geared toward negative symptoms. They decided schizophrenia drugs weren’t cost effective. They cost more to test/produce, sorry —my memory thief must be taking effect. I read it somewhere.
Of course more could be done. But money is tight and other things have priority over discovering
a “cure” or better treatment for schizophrenia. Government money for research and treatment goes to more well known diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. We are low man on the totem pole when it comes to getting funding from the government or private donors. This is true despite the fact that schizophrenia costs the economy a billion dollars a year directly and indirectly because of lost of productivity, hospital stays and other factors.
There’s a lot of money, but far more has gone into AIDS and Cancer and Heart Disease, yet the mortality of mental illnesses are nearly as high if you factor in all of the related diseases.
Stigma figures into this, because people aren’t as vocal about this disparity because of possible backlash. Things are changing, but rather slowly.
Do you believe that is would cost less money, in the long run, to invest in better treatment?
It would probably be worth it if they could cure sz. I’m sure a lot of money goes into treating its symptoms. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
That’s beyond my scope of expertise. It would take some kind of financial wizard who’s knowledgeable about health care, who has knowledge about schizophrenia and who knows how the government works to answer this question.
By the way, I’m not sure if I’m an expert on anything, lol.