I’m thinking of take a break from the high IQ world. For way too long I’ve been rather obsessed with what my score is . Always wanting just a little more info. I’m intelligent enough.
Must feel good knowing you’re quite intelligent. It may be a temptation to pride tho say maybe best not to dwell on it yea. You’re a smart fellow that’s all that matters
I could give a crap what my IQ is, just doesn’t matter to me.
I came across a guy who said his IQ was 156, and he was totally dysfunctional. He did have a very good vocabulary. I have a good vocabulary, and my IQ is around 130, so he was probably telling the truth.
I remember my father telling me a certain group of people immigrated to america and took an IQ exam upon arrival, and scored low. Yet they are smarter than the test seemed to show, enough to be successful in the business enterprise.
So do not take the IQ score seriously in terms of specific/individual results. I think the test is more for aggregated results of many people to find correlations of intelligence for the criteria they were testing for.
I think if you refine your mind (mentality and self-control) and remain curious to pursue endeavors, then you will become smart, regardless of IQ scores.
And I think Schizophrenia is one of the only diseases that can fluctuate a person’s cognitive capabilities over time, instead of a straight decline. So a IQ test is already on shaky grounds from that factor alone.
I think that would’ve been Ashkenazi Jews. It’s debatable whether they or those from Japan,Taiwan,Singapore,Hong Kong,and China are the most intelligent population.
Comparing yourself to others is the shortest path to misery that I know of. My day is better spent finding something to take a picture of.
I’ve never taken a decent picture.
When I see or hear “IQ tests” , I automatically think of that Seinfeld episode where George cheats on his IQ test.
I never believed in them, I think they give you a false sense of your intelligence.
My step father said it’s not a competition. I mean I used to compare myself to others like my best friend who is smarter and more accomplished than I am.
I’ve never regarded it as a competition. If people genuinely score higher than me , then that’s fine.
I’ve scored very high on iq tests, but I don’t think it’s accurate enough. It doesn’t include creativity or imagination.
It doesn’t measure existential intelligence either
I’d just like you to know that you score high with me.
I’m super offended now. (From Korea)
The Koreans are the idiots of Asian countries.
somebody said something like that to me before that living in penninsula they were fisherpeople, and mainland people were some other thing. just stereotyping
Thank you for those kind words . I’m somewhat disillusioned by the high IQ world. Have you, or anyone else here, ever done something that you knew was psychologically and/or physically unhealthy, but you felt compelled to do it anyway? That’s me and the cognitive testing subreddit. As someone put it 'Why do you keep interacting with disgruntled test takers on forums like Reddit? ’
I only went to use the cognitive testing subreddit as traffic at the main FB high IQ group I use had slowed right down. It’s full of armchair experts, many of whom like to belittle others.
You mean like being an alcoholic? (coughs)
Good point. Although alcoholism is x 50 or more serious than my compulsion.
What matters is to what degree the compulsion disrupts your life.
I wouldn’t say it disrupts my life, as much as it has a psychologically negative effect on it. I’m always wanting more proof that I’m good enough, done well enough. There’s the temporary, psychological, pick me up from doing quite well on a test, but then the bullying related trauma has me spiralling into feeling like a failure-worthless. Thinking that most people could’ve done well on the test…