I guess I’m just a little bit below average. I’m wishing I had 134 iq.
I’m going to figure out how to raise IQ in this life, at some point. Not even lying.
Just have to solve SZ first.
You got this… Your iq is probably a billion if you can do that.
IQ is overrated. Having a sense of purpose and following through is the key to success and happiness.
I don’t mean like infinitely increasing IQ, but maybe raising it 10-20 points. That would be massive.
Just for people in the middle of the curve or lower.
I already saw a testimonial of someone with a 64 IQ taking Daily Essential Nutrients for a few months and retesting at mid-80 IQ. So there does seem to be a way to increase it.
I already figured that out. Just cheat on your iq test. That’s how I got 134.jk I couldn’t even cheat to get that high. Lol
Then I must be successful and happy. It’s just IQ is a side perk.
I grew up with a lot of boneheads who went into the Trades. They’re making money hand over fist these days.
If you’re a hard worker and good at what you do, IQ doesn’t matter that much is all I am trying to reiterate.
Thanks for reminding me purpose gives success and happiness. You cheered me up.
I’ve always been scared of getting my IQ tested incase I tested low and I’d be embarrassed. I always struggled in school, especially math.
I’ve gotten both average and gifted scores on official IQ tests. I’m pretty sure I got the average score when depressed and the gifted score when hypomanic. Our symptoms can affect our scores a great deal, I think. It’s possible your IQ is higher than 94, and even if it isn’t, I think you express yourself just fine and make good points on here. You’re definitely intelligent.
IQ is overrated…also 94 iq is in the normal range.
I mean, how much does your IQ come up in everyday life?
IDK what mine is but in the last 40 years as an adult my IQ has not matttered one bit; it has done nothing positive for me or anything negative.
Whatever it is, it has never stopped me from doing anything. It has come up randomly, just as a topic in conversation occasionally.
But my IQ has never mattered. I guess my point is just that it’s a waste of time worrying about it. The number is nothing to plan your life around or base your life on.
I’m no genius but I have always been able to learn most jobs anytime I get hired on.
I admit I was in special education from grade 4 to grade 10. But as soon as I put my mind to studying and working towards a goal I became an honor student. Being an honor student doesn’t mean much for me now but the idea of using your mind and truly paying attention can help you achieve great things.
Don’t know what my IQ is. Probably average. Street smarts not so great.
An IQ of 94 is completely normal. A large percentage of the population scores lower. This is not a failure at all.
My iq was 2 derp!
IQ tests doesen’t tell the whole story. It is mostly revolving around logical thinking. Amongst others they can’t measure social skills, artistic skills or how fast you can read or type, etcetera. Also I will assume that the results can vary depending on wheter a person has a good day or not.
Anyways 94 sounds like a normal score. If you want to train your brain I would try to make it joyfull, like solving puzzles that you find entertaining, otherwise it just bechomes a annoying chore.
IQ is supposed to be stable over time, but I think that among sz’s it can vary. Your IQ will probably go back up.