The Exercise Thread #4

Starting a new exercise thread as the old one had some inactive and anoned members in it. Feel free to share what you’ve been up to.



I haven’t been to the gym in a week and a half. I’m feeling guilty but I’ve been super busy and it’s making me too exhausted to go when I do have time.

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every other day I do isometrics on my upper body and arms. walk quite a bit but no routine yet.


Not been to the gym in months. It’s very very hard finding the time with a 3 year old and 1 year old. Next year qwertle will be in full time school come September and baby will be in nursery. So maybe then.
I’m considering the meta quest 3 to do at home for the time being they seem to have good work out games. It’s a bit pricey though

I am following along with this thread. Maybe all this talk of exercise will inspire me to dust off my treadmill soon. :laughing:

I go to the gym daily for 1.5-2h intense workout. After that I eat about 200g of protein. I keep losing weight. There could be a slight sixpack at the end of the year :muscle:


That’s fantastic, good on you mate.

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Part of last Sunday’s river trip.



While being suspended for the last 60-days I have been able to visit my home country of China as indicated in the “Red Cells” of my running Excel sheet. But also, complete some treadmill runs in preparation for next year’s city marathon run which I have already paid for and plan on participating in.

The Polar Flow website has some interesting metric graphs to display as well as 10-minute intervals of my heart rate of my treadmill run this evening.

did some cardio and weights today

@eternalaether you hit the gym today broski?


Nice one pal.

I had a lazy day today. Doing back mainly and some other stuff left over tomorrow. Then legs on Sunday.


Here’s an hour and a half of me going down the Bow River yesterday afternoon:

Not really exciting, but it gives you an idea of what a run through part of the City of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, looks like. At about 31 minutes I decided to take the more interesting route and panicked the rest of the party. It wasn’t that bad.

Still doing swimming

My belly has started to shrink a bit now

Feel a lot more energised from doing this 4x a week


good stuff bro! Glad to see you still at it! :muscle:


Got back and biceps today. Also still have to do forearms and neck training…I keep shifting it forward.

I spread my 4 workouts over 2 weeks, and this time I haven’t hit back in 2.5 weeks…

I thin I will come back stronger today though. Hit 60kg x4 for three sets last time on the barbell row, near parallel.

If I can get 5-6 reps today for 3 sets I will move up to a 70kg 1rm either today or next back day.

Hoping to have an 80kg row 1rm by December.

Still curling 15kgs, but I can cheat curl 18kgs too.

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This evening’s treadmill walk/jog.

Did a 30 minute run today as well as a one mile walk with my dog

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Just finished doing some cardio on my treadmill.

Didnt do it for very long, only a bit more than 10 minutes.

Still better than sitting down all day.


Hey, it’s a start. Good on you mate.

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