Idk, we talk few about the pain here… 2 pdocs told me, that mine is particularly painful, but i dont understand why… I am very aware of my flaws and my limits because of the sz… I always see it worse than it is… My mind is very negative. Since years, theres only danger in my head, full blown anxiety and paranoia, which made me blind for the marvels of the reality… My ex pdoc used to say, that i cant even think well, cause i have mainly paranoid thoughts…
I was also diagnosed with a somatic disorder (conversion disorder), so my neurotic bs manifests physically a lot and i wonder if with time, my ap will ease the pain…
Well, i suffer even when i am angry or irritable, which i was for years, so i guess its a bit my fault… I am not like the normies who dont give a ■■■■ about their anger, me, i want to be just a decent person… Maybe i know way too well what is to feel fine and i aim it now, which is hard to achieve when you are mi…
Did your sz hurt a lot? Do you think, that the aps are good for relieving from this mental and physical pain? My doc says, that without the zyprexa, itll be even worse, so i take it… But sheesh, i endure pain every day still…
We all do.
Every human.
I think you are a decent person but you focus too much on the negatives.
You also tend to feel sorry for yourself.
I think you could benefit from a hobby.
If you’re in your room all the time there has to be something else to do besides internet/TV.
Is there anything that sparks your interest?
Something that would be rewarding?
It could help get your mind off your mental and physical pain.
I occupy myself even outside now for some hours till the afternoon… i really do things, but not as much as i would wished it… I aim to function as almost a normie person…
But idk, my pain was a main aspect in my illness… I turn even narcoleptic in the late afternoon and it hurts, believe me…
I just wonder if sz can be not painful, i suffered a lot in this illness… I wonder even if i have another, additional illness as the bpd…
It hurts me so much mentally, that it manifests physically… I dont hear my sz friends complain from pain all the time lol… and its not just a complaint of mine, i really somatize a lot…
Is it usual to somatize so much in sz? I am a real cripple when it hurts like this, i even drag my legs, since kid too my talking even is an effort…
I was once diagnosed as bpd, maybe thats why…
I feel for me it was chastising to suffer psychosis one time in the past
What I went true made me a better person
For instance, i just turned now nauseous for example… I have all kind of physical stuff like this…
This is not the sz though? You all others, do you have physical manifestations of the sz or no? Is it common to feel physical symptoms in sz too?
Ive told you, i have a conversion disorder as well, maybe thats why…
Existence is suffering.
The SZA just amplified it.
For myself, emotional pain was common. The voices making me fearful, the voices telling me loved ones are out to get me.
My SZ is not painful. People keep telling me that it’s supposed to be - maybe I’m doing it wrong?
My back is painful, sure. And my right shoulder.
I get chest pain if I over exert myself.
My wife’s choices in TV viewing are especially painful.
Any of those count?
When I was working, sz was very painful even on medication. Now that I am home and on disability, things are better but not perfect. I do stress when I have to leave the house to go bank or clinic. Home is my comfort zone. I wonder about side effects. I worry about my mom getting older. I am beginning to be more active so that is one less worry.
We all have to work/endure our pain. Your doctor sounds cool.
all i know is my wallet hurts really bad.!!!
Have you tried putting a couple of Tylenol in it?
To answer the question at the beginning is Sz quite painful most doctors have told me in the past that there are false signals going everywhere and that there is a lot of pain associated from those signals but is not an actual pain so it is very hard to treat true pain versus delusional pain it is a very touchy subject with doctors so most doctors will not treat you for real pain and tell your elderly sorry.
I think mental illness would be less painful if more employers were more accommodating. And I wish I had more supportive extended family (uncles, aunts, cousins). My mom is supportive though.
I have conditions that cause physical pain. Sza causes mental pain at times, but therapy has helped, plus I refuse to give up. I still push through and live life.
Maybe if you stopped focusing on negatives and tried to work towards something positive, no matter how small, you’d feel better.
My guitar and mandolin are long term goals. So is my ever writing a book.
I’m trying to be patient with things improving and they are.
My only pain is mental. I have no physical ailments. I do have a herniated disc in my back but thats from working landscaping
I know i should move now more in order to ease the pain, but its hard when you cant stand on your legs by paranoia and you have the impression of hell in your head only…
Tbh, i can definitely say, that my mi was an agony, for real plus this agony lasted every single day for years, despute all the meds… it made of me a broken girl… i forgave myself though, cause i was probably abused in my family a lot (trashings till death on my mom and my sister and total terror)… ive always wanted to live, but to live with less pain, not this thing… so ive thought of suicide since very early age, only to stop the pain, but i wanted to live still… yeah, my sz manifests physically too, i was in agony per moments, believe me…
This killed me too… i became bitter, selfish, avoidant, hiding at home, irritable, angry… i work now to not be that psycho, but i am really surprised lately, that many are not even affected physically lol… i never had voices or hallucinations either though…
And yeap, my dx is paranoid sz with negatives, but one doc also told me, that the real szs dont suffer like that… i still think that sz is hell, but if nothing hurts you, what are you treated then for? Why not leave the “happy” szs just free lol?
Yes, they usually say, that the common element of all mi is the suffering, but i really had it way hard… maybe i have bpd as well, plus my conversion disorder , isnt it?
I know that all existence is suffering, but mine was beyond all human limits per moments too, it was just inhuman believe me…
Now i only talk about the bad stuff in life, pardon me, i try to change, but the pain was with me for 30 years, idk what kind of devil was that, never saw this thing…
Ill pray for you all, yeah, ill probably have to forget the past pain in order to be a healthy person one day… if i remember my trauma always, i wont do it…
But i hope that this will start to change, yeap… i fight for it… one ex pdoc was saying, that me, maybe I’ll get better in years on my ap if this already will happen…
Idk, they say this illness is hell on earth, but maybe there are just lighter cases, while me, i had no luck
And i talk about the pain now, cause my latest fear is, that i can regress one day in total suffering, so that i wont be able to get up from the bed…
Can this happen you think? I take my meds now though, for sure…
My neighbour, who is from the region of my dad’s family, told me, that there are many mi people in this side of my family
I am in fact from a mixed family, my mother is russian, my father bulgarian and my mother regrets having married my father… She says, that on her side, there are no mi at all and they see them quite tragically Its hard to know that now… But i am fed up of no life, i hope, that my fears and pains will lower… I do everything for it, i am more active now, but its still few tbh… Theres still also my shame tbh, cause i am mi focused a lot still and i talk about sz to many people still, which i should hide instead i find…
Idk why so much pain though, maybe i know well too well what is to be a normie… But yeah, one doc of mine told me, that the schizophrenics dont suffer like that… Idk at all what he meant…