Well. It is. My theory is the more mentally ill=The higher the intelligence. My brain developed too fast, said a psychologist to me at 14. “You’re already an adult in your brain…” (Then to my Mom) “Einstein is here. Tristan is here. and you and me are way down here” I surmise this is due to being smart then being in bad situations, with druggies. It shouldn’t work with everyone.
My potential is as of that of a dying star or An angry old man with nothing to lose. Schmerz um schmerz.
Or as Kurt Cobain said… Paaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaaaa-aaaain. Geniuses should, and I repeat sternly Geniuses should be forced to go to college. Literal forced if necessary.
Schizophrenics typically take a 20 IQ hit.
Studies have examined this theory. I think the end result is that as schizophrenics, when it comes to intelligence we are everywhere on a continuum, just like the so-called “normal”: people. Same goes for being creative. We are not smarter or more creative as a whole compared to non-schizophrenics.
But we do care a lot about music, right Nick?
I think that on average sz’s are lower in IQ than the original population, but I think there is a subset of sz’s with substantially above average IQ’s. I’ve lived in an assisted living center for the mentally ill for a long time, and every once in a while a very intelligent person passes through. Most of the people here are pretty mainstream in their IQ’s.
Right on @Jayster , lol.
I knew several obviously highly intelligent men who’d had their 1st psychotic break soon after going to university. Back then there wasn’t much encouragement to pursue anything academic once you had the diagnosis of schizophrenia/schizoaffective.
I remember being told not to read a book because it would(paraphrasing here,it was a long time ago) ‘tax your brain too much’. I’ve heard that even with very intelligent people with sz there can be a 1sd (15/16 point) drop in IQ after sz develops.
A man called Keith was one of them . He was known as ‘Jesus’ because he was tall and had Jesus length hair. Added to that he’d walk head slightly bowed,hands clasped behind his back, with the look of someone deep in a meditative state.
In reality I just think he was extremely withdrawn. I can’t remember him ever having said very much.
You may well be very smart, but it is not common.
I stipulated a theory. (This could really be drawn out)
Firstly, the more mentally ill, the greater the intelligence.
I have 5 mental illnesses (maybe more).
It should be first looked at the type of illness(es), then the number.
I think schizophrenic intelligence goes overlooked for our psychosis.
I do things like imagine the bones of the person I’m talking to for lack of will to make eye contact,
Look at the geometric patterns in things to associate them with others.
I’d like to write a book Brain Atrophy-Becoming ■■■■■■■■(idiotic) because literally schizophrenia could be brain atrophy. It is at least consciousness atrophy. Ia am always forming theories (that may lead to delusions) like "Schizophrenic DNA may come from ancestors who sat and did nothing all day in their genius, maybe they drank excessively to develop the brain atrophy DNA. Everything became frightening, especially simple things like brushing teeth or tying shoes. Probably Y chromosome relative…
I was a straight a student in school, then schizophrenia hit at age 20!
I once had a high IQ, now since experiencing psychosis over the years, my Intelligence has faded.
My experience is that SZs are more likely to suffer from lower cognition than to be blessed with higher cognition as compared to the general population. Also, the general population isn’t that bright, either.
All you have to do to find that out is work a public facing job.
Oh, the insurance claims I have seen…
I think you’re all wrong. SZ’s are smarter, maybe the problem was my wording. “IQ tests” are inaccurate. I may have taken a great drop in IQ points but I fell from 2 stories. SZ is “Go away!” (I need to fade and daze all day)-(Even if I don’t want to) to get lost in metaphors and analogies- to wither then plea. please keep me! I’ll be a good ■■■■■■■■ genius I promise! Even the great Chester Bennington had SZtypal in case you didn’t know its on his video. Given up, the words flash by “schizotypal”, rye. I’m going to start a new threaad with beer and cheer but that’s strange I thought I was SZ…
My iq was 135 in college. They say poverty subtracts 13 points, so it could have been higher. 7 years ago, on a Stanford and Binet test, it was 6 points lower.
I bet most schizos cant even change a lightbulb
i tried and nearly fell and it was dark and changing a lightbulb is hard
I think,a lot of highly intelligent people with sz/sz-a,but not all,including me, have difficulty with applying it to practical,everyday situations.
You will find that in people with intellectual disability (IQ under 70) there is 3x chance statistic of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This is a fact. Google it.