Sz and low iq

I went for an iq test and its still the same as before i was diagnosed. Im proud as im quite above avarage. I feel smart, but im stable now. I think if i went for an iq test when im having a full blown psychosis i would fail lol. I think theres a lot of myths going around about sz. Do you know of some myths about schizophrenic disorder? I read that drugs cannot cause it, drugs can only trigger it if it is in your genetic pool.


Drugs alone don’t cause sz. If it’s strictly a drug-induced psychosis, it eventually goes away with a little bit of sobriety. I knew two people who took AP’s after prolonged meth use and both of them were eventually weaned off them with no relapses.


Antipsychotics shrink your brain.

The evidence is against that claim. Its a myth.

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Generally speaking those with sz have lower than average IQs. However there are exceptions to that. This forum has a good number of obviously smart people.

Some of us,including me, are far from daft but have relative areas of weakness cognitively speaking.

What are desperately needed are medications that definitely improve cognition.

There are multiple intelligences. I would love to be a musical prodigy, but clearly am not.


Antipsychotics can make you smarter.

Its half fact half myth.

Aps give you stability which make you efficient in thinking

In most cases

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