Super Powers!

Have you thought you had super powers? I thought (still unsure?) that I was the only “epic savant” and that I had ALL the powers. Math, science, art, swimming, martial arts, telepathy, telekinesis, dance etc. You name it! I also believed I could speak in anyone’s voice or ‘act’ exactly like anyone. And how did I get these powers? By being connected to all the thought (skill, talent, ability etc.) particles in the universe. I believe (still) in the big bang and I believe everything and everyone are connected but I had a “special” (I know…) connection that allowed me to have all these abilities. I could go on with the explaining how and why but I won’t. Suffice it to say that during my first episode ever (June 2015), I blurted out something EXACTLY in, the actor, Ken Jeong’s voice! It was his voice coming out of my body. I also had an incident in the mental hospital shower where I was able to ‘act’, using my own voice, like 3 distinctly different people. You had to be there. I’ve also had other experiences that leave me questioning. Many of these experiences are very validating.

Have you had any super power delusions? Validating (or invalidating) experiences?

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I eventually started to believe that angels were healing me and that is why I was able to recover from the poisoning that was happening to me. So, I sort of believed I had wolverine like abilities.


I also thought I was being poisoned routinely and surviving it because of my ‘powers’ and my connection to the universe.

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Yes, after I broke my neck, I was able to have conversations with Grandmaster Choi, my martial arts teacher without speaking. He would send me energy during his meditation, I always knew he was meditating because I could feel his energy starting around 9 p.m.

Call it what you want, to me it was a direct experience of previously untapped abilities. Sadly, it didn’t last

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I believe you! As I type this, I think I have oodles of ‘untapped abilities’ that I am waiting to retrieve. What an incredible experience.

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For me, it happened because of a left-sided brain injury from a car accident. My right brain became dominant, I even became left-handed for a year believe it or not. But the right brain is the artistic, intuitive, emotional and Visionary part of the brain. I basically took a shortcut to a higher level

So you feel that the abilities are still reachable obviously. Very cool

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I don’t know if it’s a super power, but I believed (still do more or less) that I can make events happen by thinking about them. I’ve felt guilty quite a bit because I believe I’ve made people get hurt or initiated world events because I was careless with my thoughts.


I HOPE so! What a dream come true it would be

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I would call that a super power, for sure

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resurrection + de-aging + backwards time travel in a causal loop for eternity beginning around 2011.

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I am a magician. Chocolate chip cookies disappear around me.


yes, please!1515

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all food disappears around me! lol.


I used to raid my wife’s stash of wine gums and toffee. Those are problematic with dentures so I have to say the new arrangement is working out well for her, LOL.

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When I heard an audio hallucination while walking back from work determining it was “super powers”, was the downfall of my life

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