The dentist asked me to stop eating chocolate in the night. So I did.
I was a mess when I went through the withdrawal.
The dentist asked me to stop eating chocolate in the night. So I did.
I was a mess when I went through the withdrawal.
What about now @Jayster ? Are you still feeling the withdrawal?
I can’t stop looking for something to eat at night.
How about apple slices (they’re sliced and peeled)? They’re sugary, so maybe they’ll satisfy your sweet tooth.
i had caffeine withdrawal a couple months ago that wasnt fun! mega headaches
You are free of sugar. What else you are not free of?
well good for you @Jayster I am due for a cleaning this May. kind of dreading it but at least I am not losing any more teeth…lost two molars one on each side of my upper teeth. I miss them when eating things…I have to talk special too because of pronunciation.
I’m free of alcohol for greater than 40 years. I’m free of all illegal drugs for greater than 30 years. I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink coffee. So . . .
Stick with like super dark, 75% + chocolate, and just don’t eat it after you brush your teeth
The pronunciation is funny in my case. Many people have difficulty understanding my spoken word.
I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve had cravings a month after going off sugar and I’ve never made it long term. I guess you need something pleasurable to replace it which I haven’t been able to do.
…don’t know whats the fuzz about living a healthy lifestyle. So it doesn’t change my life but yours.We were praying in the churches already for everlasting life. Personally i don’t like healthfanatics pushing the healthy lifestyle on to us. So you won your own competition. Congratulations:slightly_smiling_face:
maybe you can try all natural HONEY~ apparently it prevents tooth decay
Cut to all those health fanatics,
on the last day of their lives,
lying there…
dying of nothing.
My dad says I need to cut sugar out because it affects my sza meds
Why not just eat it and brush your teeth afterward?
I imagine your Dad is trying to be helpful.
Because I’m an addict . . . I wake up.rush for the chocolate, and go back to sleep. When I want to break up the routine, I have licorice,
When I’m being good I eat fresh fruit for a sweet tooth. If I really want ice cream I eat a bowl of frozen blueberries
is it possible you have some sort of blood sugar problems @jayster ? maybe thats why you need it so much before bed which diabetics do as well