Strange part about relationships

I am always very suspicious about my boyfriends. Most of the time I thought they are crazy, obsessed over me (and it ends like that that I am actually the crazy one here). Like in previous post I mentioned, I have this fear that they could hack my PC.

And no matter, how good the relationship is, I found reasons to be very suspicious.

Is there any way to prevent this? Because deeply I know, that if a person is together with me, it doesn’t mean he is a maniac or obsessed or a hacker.
But I am still kind of delusional about the whole relationship stuff…

I believe I hurt people when they get to know what I think about them. :frowning:

Yes I get you.

Trust is very difficult to gain from me.

I think it’s part of the deal with sz.

To prevent it would be to, act on only when it’s evident and with facts.

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Yup, and the more stressfull I feel, the more paranoid I become.

And thanks for last one, it’s a nice advice!
Because most arguments I have with people happens because I… simply was suspicious or I had this idea about what could have happened. (I hope my english is understandable here)

I mean I got into arguments without having any facts…

I lost a friend where we were in touch through email.

She was from Porto.

I did not trust her even after 3 years of friendship.

Trust play a major factor.

When I get suspicious to the other person they would feel two things imo I sound possessive and the other they feel over powered or controlled.

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It’s just part of the illness.

That’s what I always tell myself and the thoughts subside, for the most part.

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Maybe talk about it with your Dr or therapist. Try therapist first.


Probably it’s really just a part of the illness, and also a very damaging one for relationships

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Yeah I never talked about this with my pdoc for longer than 2-3 min,
I should talk. Good advice :slight_smile:

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