Voices keep telling me my boyfriend wants me to kill myself. Keep calling me names
Telling me different methods I could use. Even thought my boyfriend told me to do it a few times or inserted thoughts in my.head. I don’t fully believe it I’m just confused why this is happening when besides the cheating he’s shown me nothing but love. I’ve been here for a couple days and.nothing negative between us has happened it’s been mostly just holding hands or cuddling. He’s going through his own mental illness stuff I don’t want to make it worse.
I am so sad I feel like.i can’t be around him right now because the voices get worse. I can’t think straight
Its probably the increased stress between the house and your bf situation. It’s well known that stress can exacerbate symptoms in many of us.
I agree with bowens stress can cause a lot of issues with severe mental illnesses like sz or sza I hope you feel better soon
I went extremely catatonic for several hours… My whole body hurts now and I don’t know who I am anymore.
Did you get any help? Sounds like your sz is really acting up …
Yes thats inded hard when you feel that Way with one of the most important persons in your life.
But Im so glad that you on the other side know that Those feelings ain
t thru.
Yes and those jalousi thoghts Iv also had about cheating 30 years ago. But I
m sure that you some day find out that those thoughts ain`t true.
I wish it wasn’t but it is. We’ve talked it through, it’s a complicated situation for sure but he’s admitted he broke our relationship agreement and apologized for it. He’s been an amazing caretaker this past week, I’m not mad about the cheating thing so much anymore, but it definitely kick started all my symptoms
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