At work, I’m fine, I rarely ruminate. But socially, I am a classic overthinker. So much so that I avoid going out just so I can let my mind rest.
My social includes 12-step meetings, playing team sports, and family functions. It’s when I speak up does the wheel begin to spin in my head.
So a lot of the time I don’t say anything. Then I’m stuck in my own head which is the problem to begin with. A double-edged sword.
I’ve been working with a therapist on cognitive distortions. Acknowledging repeat thoughts and thought stopping/replacing. Seems to help when I remember to apply.
Does anyone experience this or have other suggestions?
I experience overthinking to the extremest of extremes i would like some advice on how to stop too I think about stuff I SAID over a decade ago I panic about everything I say basically it appears we’re in the same boat hopefully somebody here can help the both of us
CBT does help. If your going through a ruminating cycle just acknowledge it and tell yourself stop. I had another therapist tell me to flood- involve yourself in so much social interaction that you push out the time and effort to think about it. Good in theory but almost impossible to do with sz.
Live situations are difficult. Especially with sz. I work a very people-intensive job. I’ve learned that I have limited time to think about conversations as they’re happening. Mistakes and distortions happen but you learn to do what you can to correct it and move forward.
I’m guessing this to be the top complaint among sz when it comes to functioning in the real world.
I am going through cycles of meltdowns/shutdowns because of this. I am out of jungle of psychosis. Seems like not getting out of forest of psych problems.
People around take offense when I shutdown. Or don’t talk. Avoid me when I have meltdowns.
I’ve recently stopped antidepressants, because of some side effects. But they did help with anxiety. Now I just accept I’m a “weirdo” or a “lone wolf” depending on who you ask when I’m in a social situation.
I am at same cross roads. Things seemed to be working with antidepressant. I had to stop. I was sleeping four hours a night. It made me always on edge in social situations. I felt better as anxiety and depression decreased. I could multitask in social situations. I am back to square one after stopping.
Even people I had got used to last 7-8 years might start calling me weirdo now.
Inositol is worth a try. It’s a OTC supplement which potentially can help with OCD and intrusive thoughts, thought problems. It has helped me a lot in this regard. I take 1-2 grams daily.
I’m sorry for being negative in my reply. Know that I was in your shoes at one time. There are no easy answers; all I can offer is that I relate to your issues.
How did I get through the forest of psych problems? I don’t know that I am truly out of them, but I don’t wake up in purgatory anymore. It was as simple (or complex) as a thought pattern adjustment. I didn’t create the adjustment, it seems it was granted.
Wolves are highly evolved animals. They have one partner for life and grieve for up to a year if their partner dies. They look after their elders. When wolves get too old to hunt, they stay in the den, and the offspring hunt and bring them food.
Don’t be sorry. It was situation of getting a bad news. But which in turn helps in coming to terms with situation. Some problems are created by being unable to permanently close some doors.
I ruminate everyday and have thought loops where one thing is stick in your thoughts over and over. I can’t stay in the present moments bcuz my mind won’t stop.
I read once, that folate or methyl folate (probably doesn’t need to be methyl) stops ruminating. The dose they recommend is fairly high. Can’t remember. When I was taking the prescribed dose, it did stop rumination, but I don’t remember how much I took.