
:wave: does anyone have a problem with ruminating and/or comparing experiences to new information you receive? I’ve had voices, from people i cant see, attack me for doing so, so wonder if that’s something a “normal” spiritually sound mind does ?

Funny I was doing that right now.

I think all people probably do it but I learned long ago that for most of my life most people don’t think like I do.

It’s been helped by the medication for sure and that is a great thing but it takes a lot to normalise things after long years of thinking differently!

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Long time no see @rogueone … how are u today …!!!

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Just out of a doctors today with an infected armpit …lot’s of pain and it had to be lanced… Not much fun.

How’s you matey? What is new?

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I am okay okay…

I walk twice a day…

Not feeling any good

Sz sucks my life…

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good on the walking dude. At least 3 times a week for half an hour…everyday is great!

When you see your psydoc next? Sz can be about everything and often that prevents you from living. Keep it simple. First things is sorting out those meds with your psydoc. It takes time. It really does.

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This is a principle I’ve partially applied to myself and it seems to help

Seeing discrepencies outwardly(but still integratable)


This might not relay all of what I mean to say.

Inward thinking would be a constant daydreaming state, even when talking to others and going about our day.
This is bad because it causes an unnatural order of thinking, a clash.

It’s healthier and smoother to not take in information in such a rude perspective manner as to change how we feel and think,
but instead think of the item of information almost as if it doesn’t matter, and just go “hm, interesting” :smile:
that way there’s no clash. we acknoledge it. then move on. no clash.

This is what I find to be closer to how other people think.

Rumination is my chief complaint when I see my therapist. I would almost akin them to hearing voices because the ruminations are so frequent and at times intense. I think my ‘rumies’ are a bit different than the one’s you experience… I don’t associate them with symptoms of sz. What I found to be helpful is keeping a thought record when these intrusive thoughts arise. Challenge them and use logic to elbow out these thoughts. See if your therapist is versed in CBT and you will find that the ruminations don’t hold or have as much influence and leverage on your psyche. I have an example I can share if you’d like to see CBT in work.

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