In “Diagnosis: Schizophrenia” by Mason and Miller, one schizophrenic shares their experience with psychosis.
I was struck by them calling their coworkers, “co-employees.” This is a very strange way to describe people that you work with. How likely is it that they were effected by the mentality/thoughts/problems of their boss? (Their thought inserter?)
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Have you ever had thought insertion as a symptom?
I have.
Don’t try to gaslight me.
Yes, I’ve had it. But it’s a symptom of schizophrenia. Nobody was inserting thoughts.
Live in your Land of Make Believe, but just know that it isn’t reality.
Schizophrenia is still almost a complete mystery to medical professionals. They don’t know how to treat it, and are full of crap.
I have and do still during rough patches. It’s just the illness. Medication is a great way reduce or eliminate the problem.
Why doesn’t medication eliminate symptoms entirely?
What was happening, when you had to deal with thought insertion? Do you have an explanation for it? Perhaps, a doctor gave you one?
Went on meds, and it went away.
Edit: You might be interested in this
this functional neuroimaging study used a novel setup to convince healthy participants that a technical device triggers thoughts in their stream of consciousness. Self-reports indicate that participants experienced their thoughts as self-generated when they believed the (fake) device was deactivated, and attributed their thoughts externally when they believed the device was activated-an experience usually only reported by patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
I know that inserted thoughts are not my own. So, what is it, if not another person?
I have not seen evidence of aliens or demons, so I am ruling them out.
You should check this out
November 17, 2021, 8:22pm
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