Any physics majors here?

Hi if there are any scientists, neuroscientists, or physics majors here, can you please explain scienitifically how it is impossible to read someones thoughts or make them hear voices. Exact laws would be helpful but any help appreciated

What is thought insertion?

‘Thought insertion’ in schizophrenia involves somehow experiencing one’s own thoughts as someone else’s . Some philosophers try to make sense of this by distinguishing between ownership and agency: one still experiences oneself as the owner of an inserted thought but attributes it to another agency.

They are all YOUR thoughts.

Just in your mind you’ve made them someone else’s.

My degree is not in any of the fields you specified,

But it doesn’t take a lot of over the top scientific education to figure it out.

What’s happening to you is all the illness.

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Their thought is yours is my take on it.

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I’m not a physics major, but I took physics/chemistry courses in University. I tried coming up with a scientific explanation a long time ago when I was psychotic on how it would be possible. This is what I came up with at the time. Thoughts in your brain are electrochemical in nature. The “electro” part is achieved by Electrons which can behave like a wave or a particle (wave-particle duality). Perhaps when acting like a wave they form an electric field (your thoughts) which can leave your head and enter someone else’s head, or vice versa.

This discussion seems more to fall in the realm of metaphysics, but perhaps there is an explanation to be found in physics.

If we’re going to have that attitude,

Why don’t you do your own research then, jackass.

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You must be more polite

If you want a scientific answer to this, you really need a neuroscientist and not a physics major or other scientist. That’s pretty much like asking a history professor to teach you about astrophysics. They’re completely separate fields of science. Knowing physics does not in almost any way help you understand the brain.

No calling people idiots @anon47167357 . You asked for help and they are trying to provide you with it.

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