Thought broadcasting, thought withdrawal, thought insertion

  • The experience of intrusion of unusual ideas or thoughts into the subject’s mind as a result of the action of some external agency (Thought insertion).
  • The experience that the subject’s thinking is no longer confined within his/her own mind but is shared by or is accessible to other people (Thought broadcasting).
  • The experience of being deprived of thought as a result of the removal of the subject’s thoughts from the mind by some person or influence (Thought withdrawal).

Of these three I have thought insertion and withdrawal

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These are among the first rank schizophrenia symptoms of Schneider

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Out of the tree, i have thought broadcasting and thought withdrawal. Very frightening stuff.


Luckily the meds stop me thinking this way. I have also got good at just dismissing these thoughts when they do happen, as I won’t believe them and this awareness defeats the belief that they’re real.

If you’re aware of them, you can do this too. Eventually you will get out of the habit of indulging such thoughts and they begin to fade away.


Does it count as thought broadcasting the phenomenon of aliens reading my mind? It was not general, in all population, but especially to aliens

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When I am in psychosis, i can’t do anything.
I really feel as if Satan is inserting thoughts in my empty mind

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I used to think I was communicating with dead souls everywhere I went, and I could see their faces in everything I looked at. Live people were the worst as the voices were trying to get them to attack me by making me think I was the sickest type of criminal and I did not think I owned my thoughts and that everyone could secretly talk to each other using their minds. I felt like everyone was hiding this secret from me and it made me suspicious of everything.

These dead souls were also not of this planet for the most part, and they even tried to get me to draw out plans for their technology. I destroyed all the drawings in anger when I was convinced none of it was real.

Pills and insight help. You’re talking openly about it, so I would say you have it in you too to challenge these thoughts when they do happen, and not buy into the falseness of it.

I am willing to stand corrected when I die and find out it was all true, but in this life, these thoughts and importantly sharing them with other people has no value to anybody, and you just get locked up and drugged until you comply.


That difference is because you obviously can maintain some insight. I do too but my Mom couldn’t. Those thoughts were her reality.

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It took years to achieve, but I would encourage others to try and achieve similar results through being pragmatic, and not letting this illness completely consume your everyday life. I lost years to this kind of thinking, and I think it’s important to share different approaches.

I see a lot of people posting here in this unusual beliefs section, but I view this as part of their journey to realising it isn’t real. Just by being on this site and posting means the person is gathering insight into their condition, and is starting to question it.

I would have liked to have found this site a lot sooner than I did.


Sorry your mom suffered this.

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These three phenomena reveal the loss of ego boundaries and lack of agency of actions.
They show that mind is transparent, with patient’s thoughts inserted, removed, broadcasted

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I have out of the three, thought broadcasting, and thought insertion. They suck, especially when you don’t know what’s real and what’s not off meds.


Of these, I had thought insertion and thought broadcasting. That is, until I was put on Risperdal, Geodon and Seroquel. Then, it all stopped. I had these symptoms for 33 years.

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33 years unmedicated or with meds that didn’t work?

I’m pretty sure I had thought broadcasting. I used to think people could hear my thoughts and I could hear theirs. It only happened on a handful of occasions though

Me too 3453455435

I’ve had all 3, and still get it, even on meds

I don’t know if I’m being played, or just par for the course.

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