So maybe Im not schizophrenia afterall

I’m now on 25 mg Seroquel and Im feeling better than in many years. The negative symptoms are gone and I don’t feel psychotic. So Im wondering if schizophrenia is still the correct diagnosis for me. Before I was schizophrenic I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. And I have been told that it is natural for persons with borderline to experience micro psychosis from time to time.
I have never heard voices or had any kind of hallucinations. I have been delusional but when I talk to the psychiatric system they tell me that it seems easier for me to let go of my delusions than it usually would be for people suffering from schizophrenia. But then again everyone is different. It is just that I don’t feel like Im schizophrenic anymore


i pray that its not permanent and hope its something you can work through :slight_smile:
Best of luck on figuring out your true diagnosis


Idk but I sure hope that works out for you schizophrenia is terrifying and a bit traumatizing it’s hell on earth in other words


I can relate a bit… though my last diagnosis is pseudoneurotic SZ. Which is connected to personality disorder.

But my pdoc said I am not BPD. Pseudoneurotic = schizotypal
But I also quite easily give up on delusions.

My doc feels it’s very mild type of SZ, but more or less similar to paranoid SZ (because I experience positive symptoms)

WIish the best of luck to getting know you real diagnosis. I also wait for the right one diagnosis for me

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Diagnoses don’t mean much anymore
I’m just as much bipolar as I am schizophrenic


Good day @anon55055794. I have moved this to DX’d - Other as it is a conversation about illness that is not schizophrenia. It is more appropriate here than in the Lounge, which is intended for general banter.



It could be the case , but difficult to know at this point.

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Hey thats good news :blush:. Good to hear your doing better


well, please keep working with your pdoc until you find out…I would hate for you to stop your meds and you go full blown psychotic.

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I think schizophrenia can be more like a “mode” where maybe certain genetic switches get turned off and on for various reasons. In my case it seems to be very closely related to inflammatory disorders as they also run in my family.

Usually “schizophrenia” refers to thoughts and behaviors which are really just the symptoms of something deeper going on. I will probably always have the risk of getting sick again but there are things I do to manage stress and my physical health which go a long way.


Very nice perpsective… I’ve also have this idea from time to time. Symptoms just have to have deeper meaning. That’s why it’s so complex, both environmental and genetics stuff doesn’t explain everything. Every person has it’s own unique reasons


I wish that the best will happen to you. Maybe you can talk to a therapist with special in borderline to maybe one day become meds free.
I hope you will succed and accomplish all your goal in the near future.
Schizophrenia was my destiny and I’ve walked through a long dark tunnel and I’m beginning to see the brightness at the end of the tunnel.


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