I’ve been attempting to limit my forum time a bit lately, so I’ve been wandering around the house aimlessly a lot the last few days. Today, during one of my aimless treks around the house, my dad suggested that I need to either get a job, volunteer, get hobbies, start a business, or something to break my boredom.
He may be right. The possible options seem like a lot though. So, I thought I’d ask the forum what they think I should do.
Here are my current circumstances: I get burnt out often during the day and often find myself napping. I don’t really need money. My expenses here are well within my means atm. I’m unsure of my stress limitations. I used to think I was immune to stress related symptoms, but am not so sure anymore.
What would you recommend for a burnt out schizophrenic, who sleeps a lot and doesn’t really need cash, and may be prone to symptoms from stress?
Anyone want to spitball me something here? What would you do? Just get more hobbies?
Umm…I’m not sure @Zoe . I guess I need to experiment with some things if I’m going to try new hobbies. Nothing comes to mind at the moment. When I was younger, I used to enjoy video games and the like, but I have a difficult time getting into them anymore, so thats probably out.
For a bit, I was painting miniatures, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside. I’m just not sure.
I want to find something, I really do, I’m just not sure what I’m enthusiastic about anymore. Maybe I need to experiment.
Volunteer. You know it’s the answer because you don’t need cash. You will meet people and contribute to your community. It will give you purpose. You might even meet a mrs. bowens when you’re not looking. The type of women that volunteer won’t judge you for your circumstances and are probably the most empathetic group you could draw from. There is no reason to be bored, just get out there. Hell, I should volunteer too…