That’s weird and if it’s true completely unprofessional. Maybe you were hallucinating, I hallucinated a bunch of stuff people said in the hospital.
My first hospital visit I was very very sick. I didn’t get along with this male nurse, my body language was passive aggressive towards him… I heard a younger nurse at the “water cooler” chatting with the other nurses about me. He was saying “it’s so weird… he understands us” as if I was some kind of animal who was locked up in a cage but had some mininal understanding of social skills.
It was unprofessional because i was in the quiet room “sleeping” when he said it and he should have known that I might have been awake.
Happy to hear you’ve beat this delusion @Minnii
That is unprofessional. What do they expect? Meh
Thank you
Yea. it would be awful if true… i knew a mh staff guy that admitted they would instigate and aggravate the patients to administer meds. its awful but i think i mustve hallucinated the cia talk… i cant imagine such an awful practice going that far… because i was also hearing all the cops talking like how talked … in my riddles from the other room… i mustve been hearing things
Hope it’s not true. It’s horrible.
I had one of the nurses tell me a dirty joke while giving me a haldol injection in my butt and I was so out of it I laughed, but that was about it. They were professionals.
Oh but Yay Congrats on the new healthy view
Thank you
Getting rid of delusions is one of my favorite feelings
Ehehe Thank you
Congrats minnii… now that you’ve resigned though does that leave the spot open? Who would I talk to if I wanted to send them my resume.
Let’s see…
Used to play with Lego bricks…
…yeah hopefully that’ll get me the position
good for you, i beat my delusions about that as well
Well done Minnii! That must be a nice feeling.
Coming back to the way most people operate is something that I’ve had a lot of resistance to in the past but also is the best thing for us - congrats Minni!
Did you have to do anything about it counciously or did it go away on its own?
What a great post. I have spent lots of time admitting to myself the delusions I had and I too have put some to bed but still struggle in the sense the memories RV vents and things that transpired still wake from Slumber and nag at the back of my mind. I struggle to admit I am schizophrenic and have certain attributes whether good or bad. I’m trying to come to grips with who I was and who I am now. Congratulations on your epiphany.
@Supernothing It was actually a mix of both, I struggled for a while always thinking “no I’m not” “that’s no true” “I’m human” etc, then it was no longer needed.
Thank you @Fry_day_freakout
did you thought you were god and no one else was?
when i first thought i was god the next thought was like “damn, everybody else is, but they dont realize it”
sorry to get into this stuff
I actually had both. Quite the cognitive dissonance. First was we all are, then I started to think I was special because everyone was so ■■■■■■ up
glad youre doing good and think rational about the issue now. i cant shake my weird belief that im a fallen angel and that everybody around me are saved angels or demons. how long did it take you to get rid of your delusion?
Thank you. And I’m sorry about that.
It took almost two years.