My grandiose delusions

… are finally fading! I had an epiphany, to be kinda blunt and stupid “I’m not god”, doesn’t sound much of an epiphany but there you have it!

Since then it’s been fading, my mind doens’t come up with explanations to why I am but comes up with explanations to why I’m not.

I don’t know what changed, maybe it was quitting my degree and not being exposed to esoteric stuff, maybe it was being open about the illness with my friends, all of them. Maybe both.

I’m so relieved!


I’m super happy for you! :blush: On a good path.


That’s a good way of describing it, it helps me understand. Glad that’s going away.

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That’s great! I’m glad you are doing better.

So did you finally quit your degree or are you still waiting till the end of the semester?


Nah, I quit… it was too much. A teacher was saying we, as specialists, should validate peoples hallucinations as true, because it was spirits talking to us. I can respect a person with sz saying that stuff, it’s understandable, but a health specialist it’s a no-no.

I remember you said you might work with children. Is that still the plan?

Yes! Yes it is. I’ve been looking at colleges, and there are two that fit the good profile. I’m waiting to see if its the best option.

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I’m glad you are sorting out your grandiose thinking…perhaps your meds are working better?

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Thank you. Maybe, I’m upping my dose in a few days, that will help too.

Good for you Minnii !! I am happy for you

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My so called “grandiose delusion” is that God talks to me.